Date:2/15/93 Author: Philip Troiano CIS#:76046,2003 The enclosed Excel Macro and Procomm for Windows script were designed to facilitate a monthly download of NAV or Stock prices from CIS Mqint interface. The macro is set up to get one months data at a time. It's set up to read a column of tickersymbols in the 3rd column of the Mthlynav.xls starting in the 3rd row. It saves data to a blank sheet "tempdata.xls" and then parses the space separated data, caculates the end and minimum values and then places the data into the mthlynav.xls into a range that is named with the tickersymbol. The macro automatically installs a new menu item that is used to call the macro. If this macro and scpript are of any use please fell free to do so and to modify it as you need. I've uploaded it as an example only. If it helps anyone so much the better. Phil