DIRTREE README.TXT DIRTREE is a Windows 3.1(tm) program which graphically displays the directory structure of a selected disk. The program displays, in tree format, all the directories on a given drive and permits the user to print out the tree to a graphics printer. The tree structure can be saved to a default file in the drive's root directory, so that subsequent activation of the DIRTREE program will not have to scan the disk. The disk can be re-read at any time and a new version of the default file can be saved if desired. Future enhancements include the ability to point and click on a directory, causing the default directory to become the selected directory and a list box to be displayed showing the files contained in the selected directory. See the help file for registration information. These additional CSS products are available on CompuServe in the WINSHARE forum and IBMSYS forums: DISKMAN - A Windows(tm) disk and file manager for up to 32767 files. CIS Registration ID 979. TIMEZONE - (Also known as WinTZ) is a Windows(tm) world time zone display. DIGICLK - A Windows(tm) on screen digital clock (freeware). Custom Software Services P.O. Box 850776 Richardson, Texas 75085-0776 CompuServe ID 72223,466