TRASHER FOR WINDOWS Thank you for selecting this quality shareware software. Trasher for Windows is a Windows File Manager companion that makes administering your system both fun and fast. This simple program was written completely in Visual Basic 2.0, thus you will need VBRUN200.DLL from the Microsoft Forum. All the other files are included in the ZIP package. Now that you have unZIPped the package, follow these simple directions to install the software for proper operation: File List: TRASHER.EXE Place this file in your \Windows directory DRAGDROP.VBX Place this file in you \Windows\System directory 3DLABEL.VBX Place this file in you \Windows\System directory TRASHER.INI Place this file in you \Windows directory All *.WAV Place all *.WAV sound files in your \Windows directory Now you are ready to run Trasher for Windows. A few important notes: 1. To operate Trasher for Windows you must have Windows 3.1 and VBRUN200.DLL Visual Basic link library. To use the multimedia features of the software your system must be equipped with a sound card or a PC Speaker Windows Multimedia driver. 2. To access the MULTIMEDIA features of the software you must register the software for a nominal $10 shareware fee. 3. Executing Trasher spawns File Manager as well, as Trasher is to be used in conjunction with File Manager. 4. To use the Trasher, drag files you would like to delete from the File Manager to the Trasher icon and drop. Trasher will mark the file for deletion. To erase the marked files from the disk, maximize Trasher and click on the Empty Trash button. You can also strike the Restore button to remove files from the delete list. 5. WARNING!!! If you check the Auto Trash check box, all files dragged from the File Manager and dropped on the Trasher will be ERASED FROM DISK without first marking them. 6. If this product is not registered within 30 days, it will assumed that you have no use for the product, and thus will be erased from your disk. Please register it by mailing a $10 check to: Gary Mekikian Power Careers, Inc. 115 Skyline Drive, CA 91501 Thank You!!!