This zip file contains this text file, and a WAV file excerpt of a song from my album "Bittersweet". This excerpt is from a song called "Beethoven's Back". It's the kind of song Stephen King and Chuck Berry would have written if they'd bumped into each other one night ( with a full moon, of course ), and closed a bar together. My name is Paul Henry. I'm a songwriter. I've written music most of my life. Right now, I live and play in the San Diego area. These WAV files are a result of my frustration with the limited avenues available for musicians like me to be heard. The sound quality doesn't compare with that of the tape or CD, but it will give you a feel for the sound of the album. Other excerpts are available throughout the on-line community. If you like the excerpt, the entire album is available from: B-Sides Records P.O.Box 231582 Encinitas, CA 92023 Tapes are $8.00, and CD's are $12.00. Please add $1.00 for postage. Other songs on the album include: Galileo Bittersweet Turning into an Animal Make No Mistake Walking From Paradise A house of strangers and more.... All songs are Copyright 1993, by Paul Henry. CHANCE FOR A FREE CD OR TAPE: Send me a note or a postcard. I'll send a free tape, or CD (you specify) to the person who lives farthest away from me. I'll accept mail for this purpose if it's postmarked anytime from now thru August 31st, 1993.