ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» º Don't Panic - use F10 for menu º º - use F1 for Help º º - use Alt-x to Exit º º - use Alt-s to Save º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ Why Buy pE - The "perfect" Editor OK, you've gotten a copy of pE, now, how are you going to evaluate it? There are a skillion editors out there. Why should you try one more? And why this one? And why should you send Just Excellent Software the registration fee? Well, for starters, as far as I know, this is the only editor that allows you to edit files in true windows that can be sized, moved, zoomed, colored, and cut and pasted between effortlessly, logically and bug freely. Alt-Home sizes, Alt-End moves. With a mouse, grab the lower right corner to size, or the window title (filename) to move. So What? - you ask. Have you ever wanted to keep a reference file on the screen that maybe had data that was only a few columns wide? With pE, you can not only have it occupy that part of the screen you want, but when you want to, you can go grab whatever part you want and stick it in the file you're working on. Have you ever wanted to see the function referenced in an include statement? Alt_I goes and gets the Include file and puts it into a new window to edit or view. Put the cursor on the line with the arrow and press Alt I. F2 will get you back. You don't have to be a programmer to appreciate this feature. You can see it being used right here! --> READ WHAT OTHERS HAVE SAID ABOUT PE IN "QUOTES.TXT" Then there's the file chooser. Don't you just love having a program ask you to "Enter Filename:" and you've forgotten how to spell the name or even worse, what directory it was in? With pE, Alt_O (open), Alt_E (edit), Alt_M (merge), Alt_V (view), all present the file chooser. With the file chooser you can navigate all over your disk with a few key strokes. Pressing the first letter of your filename moves the highlight bar to the first file in the current directory starting with that letter. Selecting the file becomes a matter of pressing Enter ÄÙ. From the file chooser, you can rename or delete any file on your disk. Pressing F2 while in the file chooser allows you to select a different path, or drive. While we're on the subject of graphics, IBM in its infinite wisdom, bequeathed upon the PC a character set that allows for continuous lines that form several different box styles. Do you really want to write a macro to draw a box? If you do, you can, but don't need to! Try this, instead. Alt_B (mark a Block, rectangular), followed by cursor right several times, followed by cursor down several times, followed by Alt_1. Surprised? Now put the cursor on the left edge of the box. Press Alt_1. Lookee there! Try the cursor on the top bar of the box, followed by an Alt_2. If you've followed what's written you should have a box with two intersecting lines through it. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÒÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ º ³ ³ º ³ ÃÄÄÄÄÄ×ÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³ º ³ ³ º ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÐÄÄÄÄÄÙ But wait a minute. Suppose the box isn't where you want it. Mark it starting at the upper left corner with Alt_B. Press End to mark all the way to the upper right corner, then down arrow to the bottom row of the box. Press F7 (shift text) and then watch the box float around the screen as you cursor left, right, up, or down. When you got it where you want it, press the grey + key on the numeric keypad. Try that with whatever editor you're using! With a mouse, you can mark by clicking the right button and dragging. Letting go of the button ends the mark. Clicking the left button anywhere in the marked region and dragging moves the marked area around on the screen. This is an exclusive feature of pE's. No other text editor has this capability - so far. So now you're saying well that's fine but I need something to write programs with. That means you want regular expressions, find and replace (forward or backward), brace (or parend) matching and the ability to mark a spot and return to it. Of course pE does all those things, and a hundred more. When you shell to DOS, pE's swaps all but about 2K of itself out to EMS, XMS, or a disk file. This frees up memory to run compilers, other programs, or even another copy of pE. Type exit and you're back where you started. Of course you may want to see what you did during that DOS shell. Press F11 (or choose DOS window from the Window menu) and a window is opened with your last DOS screen. The text can be edited, saved, or the window can be just sized and used to review its contents. pE (as of release 4.0) reads all the major word processing formats and converts them to straight ASCCI. This means you can read files produced by anyone and give them back a file which they can read with any word processor. pE does this by identifying the file format, no special action is required on your part. pE will even wrap long lines to whatever you've set the paragraph format to. This, like all options, can be saved so that it becomes the default behavior for pE. A different set of options can be associated with different subdirectories so that pE behaves differently depending upon where you call it from. So how about word processing. When I'm writing documentation, I want word wrap and formatting capabilities. And boy would it be nice to have my program in one window and the doc file in another! That way, the documentation may even be accurate! And what I don't want is to have to learn 200 word processing commands. Well, the file you're reading was typed with the line length set to 68. That's it, brother. Automatic word wrap at the right margin, and follow the left margin above. Intelligent, Huh? Now if you want to get fancy ^F6 will turn automatic formatting on so as you delete or insert, paragraphs will be formatted according to the style you set up in "Paragraph Format" under Options in the pull down menus. You can choose from Left justify, Center or Right justify. You can even choose to have the first line of a paragraph indented, 'outdented' or not. And the best part of all this, is with this one paragraph, you probably have learned as much as you need to, to format documents. The user's guide goes into much more depth, of course. Alt_P (print) invokes the print processor. You can just print whatever is in pE's active window with an ENTER on "Begin Printing", or you can adjust margins, and turn headers and footers on, or off, or even print to a file on disk, so you can preview how it will look on paper, before you waste a tree. The registered version of pE comes with the print processor as an independent program, so you can print and format files without having to read them into pE. Speaking of Options, and pull down menus, have you tried colors yet? Its lots of fun. The pull down menus are accessed by holding the Alt key down and pressing the space bar. The top line of your screen will light up with the menu bar. Clicking the right mouse button when the mouse is pointing at the top line of the screen will also cause the menu bar to appear. Pressing the highlighted letter followed by Enter moves you to the menu of choice. Note the item labeled Help. There are about 60 or 70 (lost count) of help screens. You can get to the help menu with F1. If you don't like borders, turn them off. The mouse can still be used to scroll and size and mark. Well if you're still with me at this point, thank you for your patience. pE is 32,000 (more or less) lines of 'c' code and about 4000 lines of assembler. There are 523 functions at last count. Your registration will enable me to continue development of pE and other products which are in the works. If pE can be made to do what you want it to do that it doesn't already do, why don't you drop me a line. I welcome suggestions, whether or not you buy from me. (I welcome them more if they're accompanied by a check, however). Please note that the trial period is 30 days... John Salidis, Just Excellent Software, Inc. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄ¿ ³ (R) Äij ³o ³ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ³ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÁÐÄÄ¿ ³ Association of ³ ³ ³ÄÙ Shareware ÀÄÄij o ³ Professionals ÄÄÄÄÄij º ³ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÀÄÄÄÄÐÄÄÄÄÙ MEMBER