-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (c) 1990-1993 Xing Technology Corporation Xing Scalable MPEG for Windows Xing is a trademark of Xing Technology Corporation Scalable MPEG is a trademark of Xing Technology Corporation -------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: References to MFW or MFW.EXE in this file are equally applicable to the "demo" version of this program which is named MFWDEMO.EXE. Both the full feature (MFW) and the limited feature (MFWDEMO) programs will use MFW.INI for custom settings from session to session. 1.1 General Description MFW can be started from the DOS command line or as a "run" command from within Windows. From the DOS prompt, enter WIN MFW. From the Windows FILE RUN dialog, enter MFW. Using either of the two command line methods, additional command parameters can be passed to the program for customizing its startup. Valid command line parameters will take precedence over the customization parameters saved in the MFW.INI file. Invalid command line parameters will be ignored as if missing altogether. The MFW.INI file provides default startup values for each missing command parameter except the optional file name. The MFW.INI file is updated at user discretion from menu options selected while running MFW. 1.2 Syntax Command line parameters are delimited by at least one blank space separating each parameter from adjacent parameters, or the program command MFW (e.g. MFW p1 p2 p3) Each command parameter may optionally be preceded by additional spaces, forward slash characters "/", or by dash characters "-". Command parameters may be entered in any order. Except for a file name parameter, each command parameter begins with a unique lower-case alphabetic character. The optional file name command parameter will, if valid, result in MFW opening, displaying the file's video, then terminating with automatic program exit. Otherwise, MFW will open and wait for mouse/keyboard input. The unique command parameters are defined as follows: xn Where 'n' is an integer X-coordinate for the upper left corner of the MPEG video window. This parameter is used only when a file name parameter is also used, and is otherwise ignored. yn Where 'n' is an integer Y-coordinate for the upper left corner of the MPEG video window. This parameter is used only when a file name parameter is also used, and is otherwise ignored. sn Where 'n' is an integer Size value (320 or 160) designating the pixel width for display of the MPEG video fn, fm, fw Designating respectively Frame Narrow, Frame Medium, and Frame Wide. This command will define the width of the solid color frame which immediately surrounds the MPEG video to provide visual isolation from the underlying window. cw, cb, cg, cd, cl Designating frame color as follows: cw - white cb - black cg - gray cd - dark gray cl - light gray Example command: WIN MFW jets.mpg x100 y100 s160 fw cd