Stdemo Player 1.0 Copyright (c) 1992 Mik Kvitchko ----------------------------- | Mikhail Kvitchko | | 289-D Crowells Road, | | Highland Park, NJ 08904 | | USA | ----------------------------- This package consists of the following files: README.TXT - This File STHOOK.DLL - Windows Input Messages Interception DLL STDEMO.EXE - Stdemo Player Program SCRIPT.TXT - Stdemo Player Example Script What is this? ============= Stdemo Player is an application that you can use to create demos, tutorials or manually prepare scripts to "play" them into any Windows application. It allows you to write a script, which will start one or several Windows application, perform a series of keystrokes or mouse actions aimed to demonstrate the application or to perform some pre-defined sequence of actions. While your script is being "played", you can disable completely keyboard and mouse, so that user will not be able to interfere with the running demo and to cause a conflict. At certain points of you script you may interrupt it in order to interact with user. These interactions allow: - to show the "text" box with some explanatory text before script will continue ( this is the main idea of how demos and tutorials are to be designed); - to show the "menu" box where user can select one of several choices, and therefore control the script's execution; - to show the "input" box, where user can answer questions and enter some text, which later can be used in script. There are many varieties of these boxes in order to make your demo flexible, and they can be forced to be shown in some convenient places on the screen. Moreover, user can move them across the screen to be able to see different parts of the covered windows. Even if you are not interested in preparing demos, you may find Stdemo Player useful. For example, you can replace your complete Startup Group to the single Stdemo Player script which will launch all your "startup" applications, and even perform some initial actions for every of them: set up default options, load files, etc. How to play the script? ====================== When you run stdemo.exe without parameters, it looks for the file "script.txt" in the current working directory, and if it is there - "plays" it. Also you may pass the name of the script as a parameter to stdemo.exe. This name may include the full path. How to write a script? ====================== Script is a plain ASCII text file. It may include: - keystrokes; - commands; - interaction breaks; - comments. Every keystroke, command or interaction break is a unit. Stdemo Player reads units from the script one by one and executes them. After one unit is executed, Stdemo Player waits for some time (time-out tick, which can be set or changed at any point in the script) and then executes the next unit. Time-out doesn't affect the interaction breaks (which are "text", "menu" and "input" dialog boxes). Once one of this boxes is shown - only user may continue or stop script execution, selecting "Continue" or "Stop" button on the box. Comments are ignored, as you may expect, and cause no time-out delays. 1. Keystrokes. -------------- Any text in the script which is not a command, interaction break or comment is a set of keystrokes, i.e. every symbol of the text causes a keystroke to be sent into the current window application (see below). There are also several special symbols which allow to simulate different keyboard keys. Any keystroke can be preceded by one or more special symbols ("@" - Alt, "#" - Shift or/and "%" - Control) as you see in the following example: @A Alt-A #A Shift-A %A Ctrl-A #%A Shift-Ctrl-A There are also many special keys which are coded by "escaping" them with the "]". They are follows: ]| Down ]^ Up ]< Left ]> Right ]~ Tab ]! Return ]- PgUp ]+ PgDn ]\ Backspace ]Z Esc ]I Ins ]D Del ]H Home ]E End ]0 F10 ]1 F1 ........... ]9 F9 ]] ] ]@ @ ]% % ]# # ]: : ]$ $ This is not a full set of the keyboard keys, as you may note - but it covers most of usable ones (I hope). 2. Commands. ------------ All commands start from the colon sign ":". Some of the commands must be coded as a separate line in a script, others can be mixed with the keystrokes. The rule of a thumb is: if a command has fixed format or ends with the special separator - it can be placed anywhere, otherwise it has to be coded as a separate line of the script. The general format of a command is: : is a single letter or some other symbol; may vary; one parameter can be a letter, text or number; parameters follow the code without blank, and in some cases are separated one from another by the special separator "|". The commands are: :=x set time-out tick to x milliseconds. Default time-out is 1 millisecond. Example: :=1000 set time-out tick to 1 sec. :T skip 1 time-out tick. Example: abc:T:T:Tefg enter "abc", then wait for three current time-out ticks, then enter "efg". :Dtext change current directory to "text". Example: :Dc:\windows\system :(app-name parm|x launch the application; program name must include extension (for the security reason) and may include the full path; parameters to the program can be passed, if needed (not required); flag x may be coded as one digit 0..2 after the separator and affects the size of the application window: 0 (default), 1(maximize), 2(minimize). Examples: :(notepad.exe :(c:\windows\write.exe demo.wri :(notepad.exe c:\stdemo\readme.txt|2 :) kill the last application in stack (if exists). Note: Stdemo Player allows to start several applications. It keeps track of the applications being started in the internal stack ( max. 10 entries). When you start a new application, the following keystrokes will be sent into the new application window, as it will get focus after the launch. You must issue ":)" - kill last application - command, even when you finish the application using it's menu commands - so that Stdemo Player could handle the stack of current applications properly. There is no command ( so far ) to switch focus from one application to another. Though you can do this by simulating mouse clicking in the proper window. Just make sure that you close applications in the reverse order as you started them, and issue correspondent ":)" commands in the same reverse order. :Iab enable/disable Windows input; parameter "a" must be coded as one digit: 0 - disable input, 1 - enable input; parameter "b" is also 1 digit: 0 - temporarily, 1 - permanently. Example: :I10 enable input until the next interaction break. Note: When stdemo starts, it disables Windows input (keyboard and mouse buttons) in order to prevent user's intervention into the actions being played. When one of the interaction breaks occurs, the input is partially restored to allow user interaction inside the dialog box only. When script continues, the state is restored as it was before the break. "Temporarily change the state of Windows input" means "until the next interaction break occurs". Permanent change affects all subsequent script play and can be changed with the next ":I" command only. :Cab show/hide Windows cursor; parameter "a" must be coded as one digit: 0 - hide cursor, 1 - show cursor; parameter "b" is also 1 digit: 0 - temporarily, 1 - permanently. Example: :C11 show Windows cursor until further ":C" command. Note: When stdemo starts, it hides Windows cursor. When one of the interaction breaks occurs, the cursor is restored to allow user interaction inside the dialog box only. When script continues, the state is restored as it was before the break. "Temporarily change the visibility of cursor" means "until the next interaction break occurs". Permanent change affects all subsequent script play and can be changed with the next ":C" command only. :Ltext assign the label "text" to the current point in the script. :Gtext goto label "text". Note: these two commands apparently do not require explanation. Just note that so far there is no conditional "goto" command. So you can use ":G" command to code the loop, or to skip part of the script during debugging. Labels are required when you program a "menu" interaction break (see below). :$ntext set variable n to "text" (n=0..9). Example: :$1Hello :$2, how are you? Note: variables can be used among the keystrokes, i.e., using previous example, script "$1 Joe$2" will play "Hello Joe, how are you?". Variables are extensively used in the "input" interaction breaks (see below). The following commands are to be used when you want some mouse actions to be played from your script. It is not always possible to get a reliable results with the mouse actions, assuming that your script can be played with different display drivers in different Windows modes and display resolutions. In order to cope with this, you must use "virtual" coordinates, i.e. before using any command which has coordinates as a parameter, you have to set "virtual screen/window size" and then all following coordinates must be coded according to this size. When your script will be played, Stdemo Player will determine the real current screen/window size, and then adjust all your virtual coordinates according to virtual/real ratio. You have to understand, that it is not a perfect solution - for example, dialog boxes sizes are not proportionally changed for different display resolutions, they depend on the size of the system font rather than on display mode. But if you code your mouse actions inside the dialog box, based on the dialog box virtual size - it will work. :Sx|y set virtual screen/window size. Example: :S1024|768 :S100|50 :Oab set coordinates origin. parameter "a" must be coded as one letter: S - screen, A - application main window, F - current focus window; parameter "b" is also 1 letter: C - client area, W - window area. Examples: :OSW :OAC :OFW :Mx|y|n move mouse cursor to (x,y) in n steps. Examples: :S200|200 :OAC :C11 :M100|100|1 set cursor in the center of the client area of the main application window. :M0|200|100 move cursor in 100 steps to the bottom-left corner of the client area. Note: Make sure that your coordinates agree with the current modes set in ":S" and ":O" commands. :Bab mouse button action. parameter "a" must be coded as one letter: L - left button, R - right button, M - middle; parameter "b" must be coded as 1 digit: 1 - press, 0 - release, 2 - double-click. :Kab set keyboard state for some special keys. parameter "a" must be coded as one letter: S - Shift key, C - Control key, A - Alt key; parameter "b" must be coded as 1 digit: 1 - down, 0 - up. Example: :KS1:BL1:BL0:KS0 click the left mouse button when the Shift key is down. 3. Interaction breaks. ---------------------- These are various dialog boxes which can be shown at any point of you script, allowing therefore some interaction with user. There are three classes of these boxes: "text", "menu" and "input". Each class contains from 3 to 5 similar boxes, which vary by their size and by the number of fields in them. All boxes are coded in the script differently, but the common pattern is:
3.1 TEXT interaction break. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Every TEXT box has a single text field which fills the dominant area of the box. The header line is: :#sxy parameter "s" defines the size and must be a letter: S - small, M - medium, L - large, W - wide, N - narrow; parameter x defines the position along the x-axis: L - left adjusted, C - centered, R - right adjusted; parameter y defines the position along the y-axis: U - up adjusted, C - centered, D - down adjusted. The body of this break consists from the text only, which will be shown in the single text field of the box. Text may be coded as one or more lines in the script, but it'll be placed continuously in the box, applying word wrap. There are two special commands which can be entered into the body of the TEXT box: .N causes the following text start from a new line in a box; .S causes to skip one line and continue to fill a box with the following text. The delimiter line is: # Example: :#NCC This is the narrow box, centered on the screen. .S This text starts after the empty line. .N This text starts from the beginning of the new line. # 3.2 MENU interaction break. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Every MENU box has a header text field on a top and from 2 to 9 menu item fields ( radio buttons). The header line is: :*sxy parameter "s" defines the size and must be a letter: S - small, M - medium, L - large; parameter x defines the position along the x-axis: L - left adjusted, C - centered, R - right adjusted; parameter y defines the position along the y-axis: U - up adjusted, C - centered, D - down adjusted. The body of this break consists from the text which will fill the header text field of the menu box, and two or more menu lines. Text may be coded as one or more lines anywhere in the body; it'll be placed continuously in the header field, using word wrap if appropriate. Text line should not start from a digit. Every menu item line has the following format: nlabel|item text "n" is a menu item field number (1..9); "label" - is a label in the script where control will be passed if this item will be selected from the menu box. "item text" is a text to fill the menu item field. The delimiter line is: * Notes: 1. The "small" menu box has 2 menu fields, the "medium" - 5 fields, and the large - 9 fields. 2. If there is no text for the header - the header field will not be shown in the box. 3. If there is no lines for some menu items - the correspondent item field will not be shown in the box. Example: :*MCU Select one of the three: 1l1|This is the first item 3l2|This is the second item 5l3|This is the third item * :Ll1 :#SCC You've selected the first. # :Gcont :Ll2 :#SCC You've selected the second. # :Gcont :Ll3 :#SCC You've selected the third. # :Lcont 3.3 INPUT interaction break. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Every INPUT box has a header text field on a top of the box and from 1 to 9 edit fields. The small box has only one edit field, the medium has 5, and the large has 9. Every edit field in the medium and large INPUT boxes has the correspondent description field on a left of the every edit field. The header line is: :%sxy parameter "s" defines the size and must be a letter: S - small, M - medium, L - large; parameter x defines the position along the x-axis: L - left adjusted, C - centered, R - right adjusted; parameter y defines the position along the y-axis: U - up adjusted, C - centered, D - down adjusted. The body of this break consists from the text which will fill the header text field of the menu box, and one or more input lines. Text may be coded as one or more lines anywhere in the body; it'll be placed continuously in the header field, using word wrap if appropriate. Text line should not start from a digit. Every input line has the following format: nDescription_Text "n" is a input field number (1..9); the correspondent input field will be filled with the current value of the variable $n. If the variable is empty - the field will also be empty. "Description_Text" is a text to fill the description field for the "n"-th input field. The delimiter line is: % Notes: 1. The "small" input box has 1 edit field, the "medium" - 5 fields, and the large - 9 fields. 2. If there is no text for the header - the header field will not be shown in the box. 3. If there is no line for some edit field - the correspondent edit and description fields will not be shown in the box. 4. After user entered some text in the input field - this text will be assigned to the correspondent variable ($1..$9). Example: :(notepad.exe|1 :$2John :%MCU Please correct your name. 2Your first name: 4Your last name: % Hello, $2 $4! :#SRD Is my greeting correct? # :) 4. Comments. ------------ Any line in the script outside the interaction breaks, which starts from "//" is being treated as a comment. Future. ======= I'm sure you noticed that the program can be further extended ( for example, auto recorder would not do any harm ). Please, share your ideas with me, if you are interested. Acknowledgments. ================ 1. Thanks to CompuServe and all participants of the WinSdk forum - you were my teachers, when I started programming Windows half a year ago. 2. Thanks to Brent Rector, whose book "Developing Windows 3 Applications" (and once he personally) helped me along my way of learning Windows. 3. Thanks to my employers and friends Ken Winston and Michael Markov; their enthusiasm kept me busy enough to grow. Legal Stuff. ============ Stdemo Player is shareware. If you like Stdemo Player, a registration fee of $20 - $30 would be appreciated. I think, it is a fair price. But if you think that the price is too low or too high - send me whatever amount you find appropriate. When you register, I can replace irrelevant "MIK" icon on all dialog boxes to another one (you may send your icon to me) and will send the updated copy to you. Provided that your cash will cover at least diskettes, time and postal expenses. If you support my efforts, I can even customize Stdemo Player according to your needs. Please, send check or money order to: Mikhail Kvitchko 289-D Crowells Road, Highland Park, NJ 08904 USA Comments? Questions? Suggestions? I will be glad if you contact me at: Internet: CompuServe: Mik Kvitchko [71250,1660] (checked irregularly). You may make copies of this program and give them to others as long as all files are included and unaltered. Disclaimer. =========== I've taken great care to ensure the program performs as stated. Still, I cannot guarantee this will be the case on every system. As such, you agree NOT to hold me responsible for ANY damages directly or indirectly related to the use of Stdemo Player. The author of this software is not responsible for any damage due to use of this program. This software is provided without warrantee of any kind. A Personal Note... ================== I write C better than English. Please excuse my mistakes and funny constructions in the above text, if you noted some (I'm sure, you did!). Especially articles... They are incomprehensible! Thanks!