Welcome to the Select Backup Files screen. Here you will learn how to navigate, select, and deselect files and directories for a backup. You will also select your DOS directory for a test backup session. The Select Backup Files screen is divided into two major sections. The left side of the screen shows the main directory tree of your entire drive. This is known as the directory pane. The right side of the screen shows the files and subdirectories within the currently highlighted directory. This is the file pane. For instance, if you highlight the DOS directory in the main directory tree, the right side displays on the left side of the screen all the files contained in the DOS directory. To select a directory, simply click the directory name with your mouse. You can also use the up and down arrow keys to highlight the desired directory. Notice how the file pane immediately updates to reflect the files and subdirectories contained in the highlighted directory. To backup files and directories, they must first be selected. Files and directories can be selected individually or in groups. The simplest way to select files is to double-click the filenames with the left mouse button, or click the right mouse button. You can also select files or directories by highlighting them with the arrow keys and pressing the Spacebar. All files and subdirectories contained within the selected directory will also be selected as well. Highlighting and pressing Spacebar on already selected files or directories deselects them. Double-clicking and clicking selected files with the left and right mouse buttons respectively also deselects them. Go ahead and select your DOS directory for backup. Simply highlight the directory named DOS and press the Spacebar. You will notice that a black box appears next to the directory name. In the file pane, all files contained in the DOS directory will also be marked with a black box signifying, that they are also selected for backup. When you are ready to return to main screen and begin backup, press the F12 function key.