M E S S A G E F R O M A U T H O R PCSTS(TM) (C)1993 Tip Software Products Designed by Albert C. Ashton DO NOT ALTER OR CHANGE IN ANYWAY SHAPE OR FORM THESE FOLLOWING PROGRAMS: SHAREWARE VERSION Game Line for Windows 3.1 Released Date: 10\23\93 Game: Brats(BRATS.EXE) Volume: 7.3 Arcade Series: 3 Type of Game Horizontal Sound: Yes Version 2.0 BRATS.EXE........Brats Main Game Program v2.0 Shareware Ver. BRATS.WRI........Colorful Manual for Brats BRATS.TXT........Manual for use with NotePad etc.. WAVEFILE.EXE.....Contains 6 Wave Files for this Game. ORDRFRM.WRI......Registration, Order & Game Catalog forms ORDRFRM.TXT......Same as above but for use with NotePad etc. GAMECAT.WRI......Latest Colorful Full Line Windows Game Catalog GAMECAT.TXT......Same as above but for the NotePad AUTHOR.TXT.......This file you are reading! AUTHOR.WRI.......Use with Write.exe! VENDOR.TXT.......BBS, Other online services etc.. PLEASE PASS THIS GAME AROUND TO OTHERS WHO USE WINDOWS JUST KEEP ALL THESE FILE TOGETHER THOUGH! Read either BRATS.WRI if you have Write.exe still on your HD or use Windows Notepad or anything else that can view BRATS.TXT for you. Note: When printing out forms under the NOTEPAD, first go into Page Setup from the NOTEPAD File drop down menu. CLEAR HEADER, CLEAR FOOTER CHANGE LEFT & RIGHT MARGINS TO READ 0000 Now use your printer. Note also under Write.exe click on Document then on Page layout Change LEFT & RIGHT MARGINS FROM 1.25 TO READ 0.25 each Now print this AUTHOR.WRI, ORDRFRM.WRI, BRATS.WRI IMPORTANT INFO YOU SHOULD KNOW! To make BRATS more fun to play at the longer times I have added real sound effects to the game play, menu items and etc... Wave Sound files as listed below that are used with this version; Files inside WAVEFILE.EXE CRYING.WAV THERE.WAV SQUIRT.WAV CLEAR.WAV RESET.WAV GDBYBRS.WAV These 6 wave files must be used with this game. But don't have to be placed in the same directory with the game in question. Read over your BRATS.wri or BRATS.txt for more info about setting up the wave sounds. Note: Failure to keep these files together or in your a file that is in your path will cause the program to use the default beep wave sound. Or if you don't have [] ENABLE SOUND checkoff in the CONTROL PANEL Sound Icon or have no sound card installed in your computer, then you can also play this game with out hearing. But it is whole lot better if you can heard the sound voice effects in this game. Step1. INSTALLATION OF WAVE FILES Example; Create a C:\SOUND directory Step2. Edit your Autoexec.bat Path line and add this path to it Example; C:\WINDOWS;C:\SOUND Step3. Copy from this disk WAVEFILE.EXE to C:\SOUND Example; COPY WAVEFILE.EXE C:\SOUND Step4. Type in a Run Command line WAVEFILE and make sure your in a C:\SOUND directory. Or Use the FileManager and mouse and double click on WAVEFILE.EXE the same effect will happen. Step5. Remove WAVEFILE.EXE from your HD now! For the rest of the installation info read over your BRATS.WRI or BRATS.TXT file now! For every main menu item you click on or select a wave sound will go off. This is normal and the game was setup this way. So don't be alarmed when you here these extra explosion sounds. Also one more thing when you do select Exit from the main menu line you'll here a nice female voice message before the game closes. It's a nice touch to add to the game I thought? :o) Includes also Play, Stop, GameOver. Note: BRATS was tested with many apps opened and system resources were at a low 9% free. This game still performed and ran without any problems. Any inquires please contact the Author; Off-Line: Albert C. Ashton 19395 Liberty Rd Boca Raton, FL 33434-2644 On-Line: Internet: tipstir@aol.com or America On-line: TipStir PCSTS © 1993 Brats(tm) v2.0 Shareware Version Tip Software Products Designed By Albert C. Ashton Thanks again for your support in my efforts! 2:54PM 10/23/93