Turbosoft Icon Palette. Version 1.4 for Windows 3.x. Copyright (c) 1992. Jeff Franks, Sydney, Australia. Compuserve 100026,1134. 26th August 1992. Well "Hello Again". It's a bit like that movie.....isn't it! I mean, how many reincarnations can you have! Well, this is Icon Palette's fourth.....and hopefully the last for a while. I thought v1.3 might have been it. But that wasn't to be. Thanks to all those people who left messages for me on compuserve. Without your comments and criticism's I wouldn't have been able to refine Icon Palette to the extent I have. As you will find I've included in v1.4 everything you asked for...and more. Nathaniel wanted to be able to set Icon palette's loction on-screen without having to edit icopalet.ini.You can now do that by moving the Icon Palette window to a new location and selecting the control menu 'Set Window Position' item. The next time you start Icon Palette that's where you'll find it. One very good suggestion was for those people who ran either NDOS,4DOS or DrDos etc. Now when you shell to DOS, you will shell to the command interpreter you use, and not MS-Dos's command.com as before. I have finally corrected the last two remaining problems in Icon Palette (fingers crossed). The first, was that for some people Icon Palette would flash on the screen, disappear, and never be seen again. This occurred because of the way I had set up the options dialog box. The Startup and 'after launching a program' options were one in the same, although I didn't say that. This didn't work for some setups. In v1.4 the 'startup' and 'what to do with Icon Palette after launching a program' options are separate. Now you can have Icon Palette startup one way and then behave another after launching a program.(eg startup hidden and then minimize after launching a program.) The second problem was leaving out the 'Iprun.exe' file. When you launched Icon Palette by double clicking on the desktop (ie when Icon palette wasn't already running) you lost the background color and couldn't use the options in the option dialog box.) Now, by running iprun.exe as the 'taskman.exe=' file in system.ini and not icopalet.exe, this doesn't happen. Iprun.exe is a small program (smaller than in v1.2) that launches icopalet.exe. In v1.4 you will find a Bitmapped control menu. I wasn't sure about this one, but thought it worth a try. Let me know what you think! As an example setup, I have Icon Palette installed as my shell. Then I run NDW as an autoloaded program.I have Icon Palette set to start up hidden. When windows starts,it briefly flashes on screen and disappears (it is still there, you just don't see it). As well I have the Icon Palette setup to disappear after I launch a program. When I double click the left mouse button on the desktop Icon Palette quickly pops up again. If you use Program Manager you might find it better to start Icon Palette as a visible window, so you can launch a program, and then have it hide itself. However you setup Icon Palette, I hope you take advantage of the 'HIDE' feature. Its great! You only have start Icon Palette once (this is slow), say at windows boot time. You then have Icon Palette set to hide itself when you don't need it, reappearing quickly when you do, by double clicking the left mouse button on the desktop. This is quite safe as you can only ever run one copy of Icon Palette. Every Time you try to relaunch icon palette it first checks to see if it's 'hidden or minimized' somewhere. If it is, it restores that window. Otherwise it relaunches itself. I hope you like version 1.4 of Icon Palette. It's still freeware so if find it useful..... it's yours! Thanks for your support, Jeff Franks. P.S. Keep an eye out for 'Toolbox' on the Boards. It should be finished in a week or two.