IN CONTROL 1.40 - Shareware Version. In-Control is a Windows 3.1 application that gives you selective access to the individual functions of the Windows Control Panel. It is aimed at two types of user : 1 - System administrators who want to give their users access to some but not all of the Control Panel functions - either for convenience or for reasons of security - eg your users may want to change the Mouse and Desktop settings but you would rather they didn't meddle with the 386 enhanced settings. (this was why we originally developed it!). 2 - Very lazy power users - those of you who frequently (or infrequently) want to access individual control functions and find selecting an icon or an item from the Control Panel menu each time too much of a strain! To install IN CONTROL just run the INSTALL program from within Windows. Full details of the program (including details of how to purchase a registered copy) are contained in the IN CONTROL help file, this may be viewed by running INCTRL.EXE with no parameters - or just select the In Control icon set up for you in Program Manager. The INCONTROL package consists of the following files and must only be distributed in its entirety - for full details on distribution requirements see the "LegalStuff" section in the online help. INCTRL.TXT - this file INCTRL.EXE - the executable program INCTRL.HLP - the online help file INSTALL.EXE - the installation program INSTALL.INF - the installation parameter file INCONTROL is not and has never been in the Public Domain. INCONTROL is copyright Omicron Systems Ltd - Nov 1992