Micro-TrashCan v1.0 FreeWare TrashCan is an animated file dumper for File Manager. It has stay-on-top capabilities, so you can place it right inside the File Manager window. You can also specify it's animation speed, position it anywhere on the desktop, and save these parameters as default. Requires Windows 3.1 and VBRUN200.DLL. keywords: utility trash freeware freel File Manager Installation: In File Manager, copy or drag TCAN.INI into your Windows directory and PICCLIP.VBX, SPIN.VBX and WRDWARE2.VBX into your Windows System directory. These files can be deleted from there original directory to save disk space. Drag TCAN.EXE into a Windows GROUP of your choice. That's all there is to it. The first time you run TrashCan it will place itself in the lower, right corner of your desktop. Click on it and you will see the "about" window and the controls for configuring it. Once you move the TrashCan it will no longer load to this position on the desktop unless you set the "Default" value to "true" in TCAN.INI. . . . Fred Freel fFreel on America OnLine 70642,673 on Compuserve