QUOTE FOR THE DAY, FOR WINDOWS Version 1.2 (c) Thomas Tuerke, 1990-1992 "Proverbs are mental gems gathered in the diamond districts of the mind." - W. R. Alger IF YOU'RE IMPATIENT ------------------- Jump to the end of this document for Quick-Start instructions! A QUICK OVERVIEW ---------------- Quote for the Day picks a random quotation and displays it in a small window. You can install Quote for the Day as part of your Windows startup regimen, either in your Program Manager Startup Group (for Windows 3.1) or by the traditional WIN.INI load= method. Or you can use it to look up a quotation that you want to insert into a document. Or. . . . WHAT'S NEW ---------- This is a list of the features new to 1.2: - Font support. You can now control which font is used by Quote for the Day. This uses the COMMDLG.DLL Dynamic Link Library; it works under both Windows 3.0 and 3.1. - Double-Click responses: Left Double-Click picks a new quote (just like Ctrl-N from the menu) and Right Double-Click toggles the sizeable border. - You can now control whether or not Quote for the day converts ordinary quotation marks into genered, or leaves them unchanged. Some public fonts don't contain the ANSI characters for the fonts (some have garish substitutions, like @ or worse.) This allows you to keep things pretty. - Added cosmetics: Chiseled edges and the Gravesend Knot bitmap. - NO MORE 128K file size limitation. An improved random number generator overcomes that old problem. - Faster search. Find quotations much faster now, in many cases up to 10 times faster! - Improvements in searches: the '?' wildcard character, and multiple word search. Now look for one or two fragments. See the help file for more. - Added Clipboard format: Rich Text Format. Copy the quotation into the clipboard, and paste it, fully formatted, into your word processor (like Word for Windows.) - Determine whether the quotation file is ANSI or ASCII with the click of a mouse. These are the most popular requests; there are others that I have deferred for a later release, which will offer an even larger array of features. Here are features that have been in since 1.1: - The Clipboard is now used by Quote for the Day: copy the current quotation to be pasted into another application. - Window position is remembered now. If you move the window, it will at that location there the next time Quote for the Day is loaded. - There are now dialogs to control Quote for the Day functionality. - Now you may choose between one of three actions. The original 'pick a random quotation', but also minimize, or close. - With the new search feature, you can find quotations by some word or words in the quote or author's name. - Extensive on-line help. In fact, most of the documentation has been moved out of this file into the help file. - Less tangible, but probably just as important, the code has been cleaned up to get rid of some little nasties, as well as making Quote require less memory. The executable has grown only 6K, but will occupy considerably less memory than the original, due the segmentation of code. Another significant change is that the quote file is now ANSI, not ASCII. This means that while you can no longer use just any DOS text editor, you can edit the file with almost any Windows word processor, such as Write or Word for Windows. If you have added quotes to your quote file, you'll need to convert them to ANSI. WHAT TO DO ---------- Quote for the Day is ready to run 'out of the box'. If everything's in the same directory, you should have no trouble running the program. For those of you that would rather read the documentation before running the program, run WINHELP and then OPEN the file QFTD.HLP. WHEN YOU HAVE QUESTIONS ----------------------- Gravesend BBS is also a good way (the best way, actually) to get a hold of me; the number is 707-795-4939, up to 2400 baud supported (so far). Due to an unfortunate accident, a different phone number appeared in the About screen of an early (test) copy of version 1.0; please make a note of this correct number. Other avenues are: on UUCP as jandel.com!tmt@uunet.uu.net, and on CIS at 76370,1674 but I'm not able to check there as frequently. My mail address is: Thomas M. Tuerke "Quote for the Day" 441 San Carlos Way Novato, CA 94945 QUICK-START ----------- 1. Copy Everything but COMMDLG.DLL into your Windows directory 2. Windows 3.1: - Compare the COMMDLG.DLL that came with Quote for the Day to yours (which can be found in your WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory). Use the one with the newest date. Windows 3.0: - If you have COMMDLG.DLL, see above, otherwise copy COMMDLG.DLL into your WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. 3. Run QFTD.EXE and press F1 for more complete help, or just explore QFTD. Enjoy!