DESKFONT: Desktop Font and Icon Spacing Control Panel Applet For Windows NT Operating System, July '93 release. 9/9/93 by Mark Gamber Public Domain Software To begin using Deskfont, copy DESKFONT.CPL to you Windows NT system directory, commonly "\winnt\system32". Control Panel should find and load the applet automatically, displaying it's icon and name. Double-Clicking on the icon displays the applet's main dialog window. From here, you may set the desktop's vertical and horizontal icon spacing as measured in pixels. Press "Desktop Font" to display the current font in use by the desktop. Making any changes and pressing "OK" will write the changes to the registry, but will not take effect until you log off the system and log back on. Likewise with the icon spacing. Complete C source code is included. Upon using the software, the user agrees that the author is not liable for any damage caused. If unable to comply, the software should be immediately destroyed. This is public domain and may be distributed and used with no charge from the author as long as this document remains with the software for obvious reasons of protection.