CHILD'S PLAY A True Type Font Copyright (c) 1993 by Thomas G. Goss Thanks for trying the Child's Play True Type Font! This font was created because I needed a typeface that looked like a child's hand written scribble. It was constructed using the Fontagrapher For Windows program. Child's Play is not freeware. It is being distributed under the shareware concept. Feel free to try out the font and see if it meets your needs. If you decide to keep it installed on your computer, please send the registration fee. The fee is only $5.00 (U.S. funds) Send the fee to: Thomas G. Goss 7531 Orcutt Rd. San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 You may also freely distribute coppies of this font to others as long as you include this text file with the font. You may not alter or repackage this font in any way. You may not charge a fee for this font other than a nominal distribution fee not to exceed $7.00 (U.S. funds).