TIMEOUT Version 1.0 was developed using Borland C++ 3.0/Turbo C++ for Windows on a LexIkon 386-40mhz. This program happens to be my first true Windows program. Although I have taken every effort to debug this program as fully as possible, there always exists the possibility of incompatibilities between systems. As such, I make no guarantee as to either the effects or operation of this program on your computer system. If you do encounter problems with this program, I can be reached via E-Mail at Northern Lights BBS 1-207-761-4782. ****************** PROGRAM OPERATION ************************** The program is relatively simple. You click on the icon and a listbox will appear allowing you to select from a list of numbers. These numbers represent minutes that you would like TIMEOUT to wait before notifying you that the time has passed. Kind of a cheap alarm clock! Once you have clicked on the time, TIMEOUT will reduce itself to an ICON until the selected time has passed. Once the time has passed, TIMEOUT will display a MESSAGEBOX notifying you that your selected time has passed. This is a system-modal type message box where you MUST click on the OK button before you may execute any other command. I hope that you find use of this small, but useful utility! ////////////////////// NOTE /////// NOTE ///////////////////////// THIS PROGRAM IS RELEASED TO THE PUBLIC DOMAIN. AS SUCH NO GUARANTEE IS MADE OF THE PERFORMANCE/QUALITY/AFFECT THAT THIS PROGRAM WILL HAVE ON YOUR SYSTEM. ALL RESPONSIBILITY LIES WITH YOU, THE COMPUTER USER. If you have any questions regarding this program, or would like a copy of the source code used to create this program. Feel free to contact me at: Louis Harle 10 Spring St. Apt. 2 Yarmouth, ME 04096