10 files found in Library "Task Managers"

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Name Extracted Size Date Description
2DOV11.ZIP No 707039 07-12-93
2DO v1.10 Personal Task Manager for Windows
Organize, schedule, view your to do list of
tasks through a robust drag and drop
interface. 2DO's strength is its flexibility
AC030A.ZIP Yes 94012 08-04-92
Accesses v3.0A: task manager
for MS-Windows 3.0; auto size &
place ALL windows from any
program; launch/place whole
desktops from one icon or when you
start Windows; floating alarm
clock, memory gauges, free disk
space, calendar alarms.
BTM_09.ZIP Yes 90771 06-01-93
The Byzans Task Manager (BTM) replaces Task
Manager for MS Windows 3.1. Lets you launch
programs from the command line; arrange
Windows on your desktop.
FTASK113.ZIP Yes 38015 08-30-93
Ftaskman V1.13 (c) 1993 by Andreas Furrer
Windows 3.1 taskmanager replacement: adds
display icons of tasks, multiselection,
show invisible tasks, minimize other tasks
when 'Switch to'... and more!
RM_13B.ZIP Yes 162601 07-07-92
Windows Reminder Personal Task
Manager. Keeps track of to-do
lists, set alarms (which can
launch applications), prints
reports. Supports DDE. $59.95
SMRTSK.ZIP Yes 54158 12-01-92 SmartTaskman for Windows
SPRBAR20.ZIP Yes 260023 05-08-93
Win - SUPERBAR v2.00 - Icon Based Application
Launcher/swapper/task Managers - Full
Featured Menus
TASKER10.ZIP Yes 118514 03-17-92
Tasker - Version 1.0 for Windows
Req.VBRUN100 Great replacement Task Manager
and file browser with a drag-and-drop
support, including a trash can! Shareware.
TTRAK10D.ZIP Yes 80725 02-15-92
TaskTracker v1.0D: MS-Windows stopwatch
array for professionals who bill by the
hour; includes facilities to allow you to
export your data to other Windows
applications (e.g. W4W and Excel, or
Write/Notepad); online help; launch Write,
Notepad, File Manager, Control Panel and
Cardfile from within the program without
using the Program Manager.
WCR22G.ZIP Yes 199635 02-23-92
Task Scheduler for Windows 3.0/3.10. Nice 3D
look interface. Designed to be as powerful
and flexible as its Unix conterpart.