How To Install MS-Windows HELP (.HLP) Files: R. Heath 5/27/94 Most Microsoft Windows programs are distributed with help files. These are files usually with the same name as the program filename but with a '.HLP' filename extension. These are also called hypertext HLP files. Usually you can use Windows FileManager and just double-click on the HLP file to load it, but you can also install seperate Icons into Windows for each of these files. I travel extensively and I'm always wondering what BBS systems are in the neighborhood... I have always been impressed by Windows hypertext as a method of compiling alot of information. Finally I saw what a nice reference help file Mustang had put together for QModemPro for Windows and that was it, I decided to make a master BBS reference for myself and others... So here it is the 1st reference utility listing over 4500 BBS systems in the US! It has the US-BBS List, Black Bag Medical List, the Chicago BBS List, Toll-Free, and the Excalibur BBS List all in one HLP file! These are up-to-date as of April 1994! Roger Heath Sysop/Founder windows techknow(tm) 708-729-2902 HOW TO INSTALL THIS FILE: 1. Copy(unzip) the enclosed file HEATH044.HLP to your Windows directory, e.g. C:\WIN or C:\WINDOWS... 2. Click on your Program Manager 'File' and then 'New' 3. In the command line enter the filename and click 'OK' Yes it's that easy! Now just double-click on the '?' icon to activate this great utility and read the file! You can do this for any Windows HLP file that you wish to have available on a moments notice. RLH 5/27/1994