HangWin is the traditional Hangman word game in a Windows 3.1 package. Registered versions of HangWin include several large dictionaries from which words are taken. For fun, HangWin can produce user selected sounds on a Windows-supported sound card. HangWin can install on and be run from a floppy, however, it is best run from a hard drive. Choose one of the installation procedures based on which version of HangWin you have received: A) To install the shareware version of HangWin, unzip the archive (or just copy the files if it was already unzipped) to an empty directory (e.g., c:\hangwin). Make sure Windows is running and launch setup.exe. B) To install the registered version of HangWin, launch setup.exe directly from the floppy. After prompting you for an installation directory (with drive letter), setup.exe will move the necessary files (while decompressing them) to your chosen directory. Setup.exe will then create the HangWin initialization file, hangwin.ini. Finally, setup.exe will ask if it is okay to create a program group for HangWin. If you do not use the standard Windows boot shell, progman.exe, or if your destination drive is a floppy, you should bypass this step by pressing the "NO" button. You can contact Temprano Software by E-mail at temprano@netheaven.com. You can get the latest version of HangWin by anonymous ftp from ftp.netheaven.com. Temprano Software 32 Leonardo Drive Clifton Park, NY 12065-2038 USA mailto:temprano@netheaven.com http://www.netheaven.com/~temprano ftp://ftp.netheaven.com/temprano HangWin (c) 1993-1995 by Thomas A. Early, All rights reserved. _______ ____|__ | (R) --| | |------------------- | ____|__ | Association of | | |_| Shareware |__| o | Professionals -----| | |--------------------- |___|___| MEMBER