=============================================================================== A hot new PC arcade game controller is blowing away conventional joysticks and gamepads! =============================================================================== It's wild! It's the HURRICADE(tm) PC arcade game controller from BIGGUN. The HURRICADE's superior firepower lets gamers survive in today's fast-paced PC action games, transforming a personal computer into a no-coins-required arcade machine. Precision machined from solid African Imbuia wood with a genuine arcade machine joystick and four big arcade machine buttons mounted on it, the massive HURRICADE weighs in at 5.3 pounds (2,4 kg)! You can comfortably place one on your lap. Plug a HURRICADE's 6.5 foot (2 meter) cable into your IBM PC or compatible's standard joystick port and see the city lights dim. Analog (potentiometer) joysticks are slow and trashable -- definitely not suited for the action of games like ONE MUST FALL, id DOOM, MORTAL KOMBAT, Rebel Assault and RAPTOR. No serious gamer will play DOOM with an analog joystick. In contrast, the HURRICADE is the ultimate controller for the most popular games in the world. Its super responsive digital steel-shaft arcade joystick makes it second nature to align precisely with targets. Four button functionality lets gamers run, sidestep! (strafe), activate lifts, open doors and fire with FORCE in DOOM. Their ergonomic layout makes it easy to press all four buttons simultaneously. Play non-stop for hours with your palms resting on the wide base below the joystick and buttons. What's so nice is that when things get rough, the HURRICADE can take the punch. Real arcade action is what gamers want; to take out all their frustration on something. Hammer a keyboard and you'll break it. Bash the HURRICADE with your fist and it'll crush your hand! Each HURRICADE comes with a 3-year warranty. The HURRICADE is for IBM PCs and compatible computers and makes thousands of PC arcade games like ONE MUST FALL, DOOM, MORTAL KOMBAT, RAPTOR, Jazz Jackrabbit, and Rebel Assault come alive. The HURRICADE plugs into a standard joystick port. Its digital speed, solid feeling, exotic look and extreme robustness make the HURRICADE an investment. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Order form for the BIGGUN HURRICADE! Yes! I always wanted a real arcade machine joystick for my PC. I need something that won't break after one month. Do send me the hottest game controller in the world with a 3-year warranty directly from the manufacturer. Name: ____________________________________ Company : ____________________________________ Title: ____________________________________ Postal address: ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Country: ____________________________________ Physical address: ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Email address: ____________________________________ Tel (H): ____________________________________ Tel (W): ____________________________________ Fax: ____________________________________ I am a game author [ ] +-------------------------+-----+------------+-------------------+-------+ | Item | Qty | Unit Price | International p&p | Total | +-------------------------+-----+------------+-------------------+-------+ | HURRICADE | 1 | $149 | $20 | $169 | +-------------------------+-----+------------+-------------------+-------+ Method of payment: [ ] Visa [ ] MasterCard [ ] American Express [ ] Diners Club [ ] Payment by Check Card Number: ____________________________________ Name on the Card: ____________________________________ Card Expires: ___/___ Signature: _________________________________ [ ] Yes, please ship my HURRICADE as fast as its raw digital speed and include the latest version of UpJoy(tm) for Windows 3.1 and the 4-button version of Joki. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: A full color brochure of the HURRICADE is available on request. Please mail this form to: BIGGUN International Po Box 3291 Parklands 2121 New South Africa Or email it to user ID 100100,574 on CompuServe(R). Dealer inquiries are welcome. BIGGUN, HURRICADE, UpJoy and Joki are trademarks of BIGGUN International. Patents Pending. # # #