Author's Comments Section * Word Matches... Don't be to surprised if your search results shows nasty words in some of the most respectable programs. Many times programmers leave foul language embedded in the binary coding of the programs. This language may never show up on the screen but its a way for them to deal with stress (I guess). Some words such as 'Sex' may be part of a larger word that Parent Probe encounters and marks it as a hit. Other words, well there isn't any question as to their intent. You may wish to adjust your search list accordingly. * Archived Files... Parent Probe recognizes .ZIP, .ARJ, and .LZH, archives. With the compressed nature of these files, PP will ignore the contents of the files but will record them if it is so set in the Configuration section of the program. If there is enough support and interest for PP, the next update will have the option of scanning the contents of these archive files as well for offending material as well as other features. * Internet & Porn... There is a aweful lot of talk on the net and TV about software which will shield children from less desirable sections of the internet. Personally I think this is great and will help a little, but little is not enough. First of all parents will have to buy the software and next they will have to learn how to use it. Thats two big killers there. Ok you may buy it and use it, but what about your child's friend at school or next door? Did their parents buy it also? Probably not. The 'Kid Network' is probably bigger and faster then the internet. I believe that first, pornographic material must be stamped out at home base. In order for a parent to stamp out such material they would need a tool such as Parent Probe to locate the offending files and deal with them. It would be nearly impossible to do such a task by any other means. After a parent has a tool like 'Parent Probe' in hand and the child has the knowledge that the parent does have such a tool as 'Parent Probe', the child will be more then discouraged to seek areas which are deemed unsuitable for children at their current age. I know if I was a child (wishful thinking), I would find it a real challenge to try and bypass any software setup to screen me from the forbidden fruits of the internet which all my friends talk about, not to mention all the attention on the subject by TV, newpaper, and at school. * Parent Probe and the Future... With enough support and interest in Parent Probe I can easily see PP a truely remarkable tool to aid parents in raising their children into becoming respectable and responsible adults. I can think of over dozen great additions that I would love to add to the program to make it powerful and still be super easy to use. As responsible and caring parents I think we owe it to our children to help and guide them into the new era of high tech. * Public Exposure... One thing I find amazing is how slowly people are exposed to programs after they have been released. One of my shareware programs, 'File Magician', which received High Ratings, from such places as Ziff-Davis, Public Brand Software, etc., is very slow in moving from one BBS site to another. I've often heard from people which have just dl-ed the program. This was up to 2 years after the version release date! Whew! Now that is slow. I believe the main cause of this is the commerical BBS'es. People, I think, believe if they pay a BBS for it's services, the only thing they should do is to download. Well this is great and it is what you pay for but if you do find a really good program you should upload it to that service and any other service you have access to. Not only does it help the author of the program greatly but it also allows others to benfit from that program. I believe Parent Probe is a program that is critically needed by parents everywhere and is needed Now! By uploading to BBS'es you have access to may very well save some child somewhere. (File Magician archive name -, a totally must have!) * The Author has... Raised 3 children as a single parent and two children by a second marriage. Programmed extensively for the past 10 years.