WebCount - Web Page Access Counter For Website Copyright (C) 1995 by Christopher J. Babb. All rights reserved. Version 1.0.0 - July 28, 1995 WebCount - Overview =================== Thank you for using WebCount - The Visual Basic CGI Counter for Website. After a grueling search of the Internet, looking for a decent counter application, I was able to determine that there was NOTHING available that was written in Visual Basic for Website. Hence, I wrote one myself. Before you is WebCount. The first Visual Basic Web Page Access Counter program that I know of. Requirements ============ In order to use this program, you must be running the following: Windows NT or Windows 95 Website Web Server V1.0 or later Features ======== Completely written in Visual Basic Single executable file supports unlimited users/pages Server Side Includes are not required Returns an x-bitmap image Installation ============ One of the most important parts of the setup of Website is to make sure that the proper directories are referenced in the MAPPING section of the Website Server Administrator. If these are not correct, you will not be able to run COUNTER.EXE. The following instructions will demonstrate the proper installation and setup of this program. 1) Copy WEBCOUNT.EXE to :\WEBSITE\CGI-WIN That's it. Now, make sure that you have the mappings correct. If you currently can run CGI scripts, you can skip over the next 2 sections. MAPPING Example =============== As an example, let's say that your web server is set up as follows: Website Directory - C:\WEBSITE Web Pages Directory - D:\WWW Maximize the Website Server. Click on Control - Properties. Remember the Working Directory (C:\WEBSITE in this example) Click on Mapping. The List Selector will have Documents Selected. In the window, you should see at least 2 entries. Document URL Path Directory (full or document relative) / D:\WWW /wsdocs/ C:\WEBSITE\WSDOCS The first entry is the default directory of your Web Documents. The second line is necessary to run the CGI examples included with the program. Select Windows CGI from the List Selector Document URL Path Directory (full or document relative) /cgi-win \cgi-win\ Be sure that this entry matches the above exactly. When you are finished with this, click on Apply and then OK. Running the Website 32demo In order to run the Website Demo, start your browser and use the following address: http:///wsdocs/32demo/ You should now be able to run through the demo to verify that everything is working correctly. If it is, you should have no problem with running WEBCOUNT.EXE. Using WebCount ================= WebCount will keep track of new hits to whatever page it is put on. When the page is hit, the WEBCOUNT.EXE is run and uses 2 parameters from the reference in your HTML document. The first is the path to the count file. This file must be in an 8.3 character format due to the fact that Visual Basic does not yet support long file names and also must have an extension of .VAL. This file holds the actual number of counts. The second parameter tells the program whether to use normal or reverse lettering. Since the resulting image is an x-bitmap, you have no choice over the color. I have found that placing table commands around the reference will make it stand out better on your page. Another feature of this program is that the same executable can be used for any number of users. Only the count file names must be different for each page. I recommend using a single directory (8.3 character format) to hold all of the count files for your users. Be sure to devise a naming scheme that will prevent duplicates if you allow your users to access the counter. Example reference in a document:
http:///cgi-win/webcount.exe/ the URL of the counter executable :\\count.val The path and unique file name of the file that holds the page hit count. Be sure that each count file has a different name ? Separator. Must be included. type=n n or r is accepted. n = normal r = reverse That is all there is to it. Technical Support, Bug Reports and Suggestions ============================================== Technical support questions, bug reports and suggestions should be addressed to: chris.babb@aquila.com Registration ============ There are currently 2 versions of WebCount available. Both work identically with the exception of the maximum number of hits that it will count. Unregistered Version - Limited to a maximum of 500 hits. Registered Version - Maximum count is 9,999,999. Copyright And Warranty ====================== WebCount - Copyright (c) 1995 by Christopher J. Babb. All Rights Reserved THIS INFORMATION AND EXECUTABLE ARE PROVIDED AS IS WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL CHRISTOPHER J. BABB OR AQUILA BBS/INTERNET BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER INCLUDING DIRECT, INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS OR SPECIAL DAMAGES. Registration Form ================= Payments can be sent Via E-Mail to chris.babb@aquila.com, Via Registration Form on my WWW Page at http://www.aquila.com/webcount/, Via Fax at 708-820-8813 or Via Regular Mail at the Address below. Aquila BBS, Inc. C/O Christopher J. Babb 4430 E. New York Street Suite #201 Aurora, IL 60504 USA Please include your e-mail address with all subscription requests. Registered versions are sent via e-mail. [ ] WebCount ($45) __________ Total enclosed __________ Name: _________________________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________________ City, ST Zip: _________________________________________________________________ Country: ____________________ Phone: ____________________________________ Payment by: [ ] Check [ ] Money order [ ] MasterCard [ ] Visa [ ] AMEX Card # _______________________ Exp Date: _______ Signature: ___________________ * Important! Credit card orders must include the card's "expiration date" or "expiry date". Checks must be in US funds drawn on a US bank. If you can't get a check drawn on a US bank, please obtain a "postal money order" in US funds from your local post office. SURVEY QUESTION: Where did you get this shareware program? _____________________________________