This file contains a number of forms which may be used to register ChaoSoft products under a site license arrangement or to order a disk with the latest version from ChaoSoft: - regular order form (payment with a check or money order) - credit card order form - disk with the latest version order form Choose one of the forms below, fill it in, print it out and send it to the address shown at the bottom of each form. For individual orders, please use the REGISTER.EXE utility, supplied with the package. It will lead you through the regis- tration process and print out the appropriate form for you! NOTE: Credit card orders should be sent to Public (software) Library to be processed, NOT to ChaoSoft! Thank you. NOTE: If you are within the contiguous USA, and have choosen the 'Bill me' option, you may send the order via e-mail to the Internet address 74634.2173@CompuServe.Com (or directly to 74634,2173 by CIS mail) to speed up the processing of your order. ___________________________ cut here _____________________________ REGULAR INVOICE/ORDER FORM [_] Yes! Please send me the latest version of File Manager StepUp for use by ____ user(s) on ____ computer(s). Registration fee: 1 or 2 users: $29.95 each from 3 to 5 users: $25 for each user from 6 to 15 users: $25 + $20 for each user from 16 to 25 users: $95 + $15 for each user from 26 to 50 users: $245 + $9 for each user from 51 to 100 users: $395 + $6 for each user from 101 users and more: $695 + $3 for each user For example, the registration fee for 20 users would be (see third row of the table above): $95 + ($15 * 20) users = $395 Registration fee (see above) . . . . . . . . . . . . $ _________ Maine residents add 6% sales tax: . . . . . . . . . . $ _________ Shipping & Handling: (Continental U.S.: $1.00, elsewhere: $2.00) . . . . . $ _________ TOTAL: $ _________ [_] Check, Eurocheck, or Money Order (payable to ChaoSoft, U.S. funds, U.S. bank), is enclosed. [_] Bill me (contiguous USA orders only, please). Please print or type: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name to register the software to: ________________________________ Ship the software to: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NAME (if other than above): ________________________________ COMPANY: ________________________________ STREET: ________________________________ CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE: ________________________________ COUNTRY: ________________________________ Email address: ________________________________ Phone: ( ) Mail the order to: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ChaoSoft PO Box 43 Old Town, ME 04468-0043 USA Thank you for registering ChaoSoft products! ______________________________ cut here __________________________ CREDIT CARD INVOICE/ORDER FORM [_] Yes! Please send me the latest version of File Manager StepUp for use by ____ user(s) on ____ computer(s). Registration fee: 1 or 2 users: $29.95 each from 3 to 5 users: $25 for each user from 6 to 15 users: $25 + $20 for each user from 16 to 25 users: $95 + $15 for each user from 26 to 50 users: $245 + $9 for each user from 51 to 100 users: $395 + $6 for each user from 101 users and more: $695 + $3 for each user For example, the registration fee for 20 users would be (see third row of table above): $95 + ($15 * 20) users = $395 Registration fee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ _________ Maine residents add 6% sales tax: . . . . . . . . . . $ _________ Shipping & Handling: (Continental U.S.: $1.00, elsewhere: $2.00) . . . . . $ _________ TOTAL: $ _________ Item/Product # 11231 (FM StepUp) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Please charge my: [_] VISA [_] MasterCard [_] American Express [_] Discover Credit Card # ____________________________________________ Exp. Date: ___ / ___ Name of Credit Card holder: _______________________________ Signature (required): _______________________________ Name to register the software to: _______________________________ (if other than above) Ship software to: NAME (if other than above): _______________________________ COMPANY: _______________________________ STREET: _______________________________ CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE: _______________________________ COUNTRY: _______________________________ Email address: Phone: ( ) To order: call Public (software) Library, 800-2424-775 ~~~~~~~~ or 713-524-6394 from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. CST Monday-Friday; or FAX this form to: 713-524-6398 (any time); or send the above information by CIS Email to 71355,470 or send the above information through Internet to or mail this form to: PsL PO Box 35705 Houston, TX 77235-5705 USA THE ABOVE NUMBERS ARE TO BE USED EXCLUSIVELY FOR PLACING ORDERS WITH CREDIT CARDS. CHAOSOFT CANNOT BE REACHED AT THOSE NUMBERS. All questions about the status of the shipment of the order, refunds, registration options, product details, technical support, volume discounts, dealer pricing, site licenses, etc., must be directed to the author of the program: Andrei Belogortseff, email:, phone: 207-581-6076. To insure that you get the latest version, PsL will notify us the day they receive your order and we'll ship the product directly to you. Thank you for registering ChaoSoft products! ______________________________ cut here __________________________ Disk with latest version ORDER FORM [ ] Yes! Please send me the latest version of File Manager StepUp for evaluation or to update my current registered copy. I understand that if I'm currently a registered user of the program, I'll be able to use the same Registration Code to register this copy, too. On the other hand, I understand that ordering only the disk will not make me a registered user and, if I continue to use the program, I will need to register for it separately. Payment for the disk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 4.00 Maine residents add 6% sales tax: . . . . . . . . . . $ _________ Shipping & Handling: (Continental U.S.: $1.00, elsewhere: $2.00) . . . . . $ _________ TOTAL: $ _________ [_] Check or Money Order (payable to ChaoSoft, U.S. funds, U.S. bank), is enclosed. Shipping address: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NAME : ________________________________ COMPANY: ________________________________ STREET: ________________________________ CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE: ________________________________ COUNTRY: ________________________________ Email address: ________________________________ Phone: ( ) Mail the order to: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ChaoSoft PO Box 43 Old Town, ME 04468-0043 USA Thank you for using ChaoSoft products!