--------------------------------------------------------- Media Changer for Windows NT/95 --------------------------------------------------------- Order Form --------------------------------------------------------- How many copies would you like to register?:____________ Number of copies _______ X $10 each = __________ *** Please make your check or money order payable to: *** Mike Henderson and Gary Lucero --------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: Media Changer is shipped on 3.5" disks only. --------------------------------------------------------- Name: ______________________ Date:___________ Company: _______________________________________ Address: _______________________________________ City, State, Zip: _______________________________________ Country: _______________________________________ Day Phone: ______________ Eve: _________________ Electronic Mail address: ________________________________ Date of your copy of MCHANGER.EXE: ______________________ How did you hear about Media Changer? ___________________ _________________________________________________________ Comments: _______________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Please mail this form and payment to: Swoosie Software 300 East 1900 North Provo, Utah 84604 NOTE: You may not receive a disk from us right away if the version you register is the most current one. You will receive notification of registration via either e-mail or snail mail, and receive the next major upgrade free of charge automatically. ---------------------------------------------------------