D E F I N I T I O N O F ---------------------------- S H A R E W A R E ------------------- This program is Shareware. It is NOT Public Domain (Free) software. Just like Commercial software, you must pay for the continued use of this program. The differences between Shareware and Commercial Software center around two distinct points: distribution method and time of payment. Commercial software is almost always distributed via "normal" channels such as computer stores or mail order companies. Shareware is distributed via these channels as well as others such as vending machines, racks in non-computer stores, computer shows, CD-ROM "collections", and bulletin boards. Payment for Commercial software is almost always due when you purchase the product. Shareware gives the user a "trial period" of usually 30 days or more to try the product. If the user likes the Shareware product, they pay for the right to continue using the program after the trial period. This is called "registering" the program. When you register a Shareware program, you get anything from simple right to continue using the software to an updated program with a printed manual to future versions or newer versions of the software. Please remember that Copyright laws apply to both Shareware and commercial software, and the copyright holder retains all rights, with a few specific exceptions as stated below. Shareware authors are accomplished programmers, just like commercial authors , and the programs are of comparable quality. In both cases, there are good programs and bad ones. As stated above, the one of the main differences is in the method of distribution. The author specifically grants the right to copy and distribute the software, either to all and sundry or to a specific group. For example, some authors require written permission before a commercial disk vendor may copy their Shareware. Please feel free to distribute the Shareware (unregistered) version of this program to your friends, co-workers, or Bulletin Board Services. Please do NOT distribute the registered version of this software. Just as with Commercial software, distribution of the registered version of this program is a violation of Copyright law and is against the law. Thank you for supporting the Shareware concept!!