-=-[ WinSwarm v1.01.95 ]-=- WinSwarm is a "port" of the classic XWindows screen saver by by Patrick J. Naughton coded in 'C'. WinSwarm has many options and settings to customize WinSwarm to your liking, which the original version lacked. WinSwarm was coded in Turbo Pascal for Windows, my first TPW program BTW. Thanks, for using WinSwarm!! Feel free to drop me an email with any questions or comments. ****************************************************************************** WinSwarm has been found to be very stable, but as always USE AT YOUR OWN RISK! This program is FREE, and NO fee can be charged for it! PLEASE DISTRIBUTE! ****************************************************************************** TIPS: - Unzip WINSWARM to your Windows directory. ( C:\WINDOWS ) - Adjust the Animation delay last, after setting the other values. - If WinSwarm crashes, your CFG file may be corrupted. To fix: Delete WINSWARM.CFG in your Windows directory, run WinSwarm Setup, finally click Save then Dismiss. - If you really mess up the settings, click Reset to reset all values. - Experiment with the options, you can really do some "wierd" effects. - Don't forget to click SAVE before clicking DISMISS to save you settings. TECH STUFF: - If WinSwarm can not find the WINSWARM.CFG file, it will run with the predefined defaults. (For my system) So, after installing click the SAVE button in the Settings window to generate the WINSWARM.CFG. - SCROLL RANGES: # of Bees - 0 to 25 (Yes, you can have 0 bees!) Wasp Accel - 2 to 15 Wasp Vel - 2 to 15 Bees Accel - 2 to 15 Bees Vel - 2 to 15 Animation Delay - 0 to 30000 (Jumps 500 or 2000) Border Limit - 25 to 100 Bug Size - 1 to 3 ( >1 gets a little slow ) - WINSWARM.CFG is not a text file, the reason being was pure laziness. It's actually a blockwrite of a RECORD holding the options. If I ever have a a chance, I'd like to have it add the settings to one of the Windows INI files. KNOWN BUGS: - About message box is a little messed up at low resolutions (640x480) - Sometimes WinSwarm will lose focus and seem to dissapear. This is rare, and seems to only happen when cc:mail is running. Wierd thing is only 5% of the time does cc:mail cause this bug in WinSwarm. I have only encountered this problem with cc:mail from Lotus. Look for a new version soon, to fix this bug. WANTED: Talented programmers experienced in DOS programming. Everyone is busy, so finishing a large project is pretty tough. Unless you don't go out, work, or have school and you just code. (Scary thought) Anyway, if you like programming and have experience in Pascal/C/Assembly please drop me an email if your interested. Most projects would be games, using mostly Assembly and Pascal or C code. Brian Bernacki email: xeno@clark.net