NEWVIEW - Version 1.0 ===================== License Agreement - FOR REGISTERED USERS ONLY: ---------------------------------------------- I grant a non-exclusive single-user license for using this software "like a book" is used. Only one person may use this software at a time. A copy of this software may be made for backup or archival purposes ONLY. This software cannot be copied or installed on more than one machine at a time unless there is no possibility of both versions being used at the same time. (You may have a copy on your work and home machines, but only if they are not both using the software simultaneously.) More than one person can use the software under this agreement as long as the program doesn't exist on both machines simultaneously, or is run by more than one user at a time (without separate and individual licenses for the software per user). ============================================================================= LEGAL DISCLAIMER: ----------------- THE INFORMATION AND CODE PROVIDED HEREUNDER (COLLECTIVELY REFERRED TO AS "SOFTWARE") IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL FRANK E. HAGGAR, MICROSOFT, BORLAND INTL., OR ANYONE ELSE BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER INCLUDING DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF FRANK HAGGAR OR ANY OTHER PARTY CREDITED WITHIN THIS SOFTWARE HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!! PLEASE BE CAREFUL. IN NO WAY WILL I BE HELD LIABLE OR RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ERRORS RESULTING IN LOSS OF PROPERTY OR BUSINESS AS THE RESULT OF USING THIS PROGRAM!! USE AT YOUR OWN RISK, AND BACKUP ANY FILES BEFORE CHAINGING THEM. YOU ARE ON YOUR OWN AND PLEASE UNDERSTAND THERE IS THE POTENTIAL FOR CREATING A FAULTY EXE OUTPUT FILE USING ONE OF THE COMMANDS. RUNNING THIS PROGRAM ACKNOWLEDGES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. ========================================================================== DISTRIBUTION POLICY: -------------------- Since an error in this program can potentially cause errors in the files it operates on, I do NOT grant permission to freely distribute this file on other public access systems without prior authorization from me. Although I have put the program through a wide variety of verification proceedures, even a minor bug might result in a major bug in the compressed executable. Therefore, I feel it's important to keep the distribution locations of the software to a minimum. PLEASE DO NOT post this file on other BBS or electronic distribution systems, I do NOT grant that permission. (This is intended to help all of us, since a bug you see and don't report might wind up reappearing in other software tools that you purchased and paid good money for!) _____________________________________________________________________________ Copyright© 1994,1995 by Frank E. Haggar (ALL RIGHTS RESERVED)