Batch Logs (PC Magazine Vol 5 No 1 January 14, 1985 User-to-User) In developing a large software project you're likely to end up writing a complex batch file to handle all the compiles, assemblies and links required. Sitting around for hours monitoring the batch file to make sure everything works properly isn't fun. It would be handy if all the output from a batch file could be redirected to a file to be inspected later. Unfortunately, you can't do it simply by redirecting the output of the master batch file: build.bat>logfile. However, there is an obscure way to do the same thing. First, make the very last line of your batch file the DOS command EXIT. But before running this batch file, load another copy of COMMAND.COM and redirect its output to the log file: command>logfile. With this trick, all screen output is redirected to your log file. However, since the DOS prompt disappears and your typing will no longer echo on the screen, be sure to type the name of your batch file carefully, since you can't see it. All the output of the batch file will now to into your log file and the EXIT command at the bottom of the batch file will return everything to normal. Editor's Note: This technique demonstrates yet another benefit of loading COMMAND.COM as a secondary command processor. An even more interesting one is during a session with a windowing program that doesn't normally give you access to DOS commands. It's fairly simple to record a batch session without loading in a second COMMAND.COM; just toggle your printer echo on with Ctrl-PrtSc or Ctrl-P and everything that appears on the screen will also be printed. When you're done, toggle it off the same way. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Better Pauser (PC Magazine Vol 5 No 1 January 14, 1986 User-to-User) The DOS PAUSE command in a batch file will have the computer stop and wait for a key. STOP.COM replaces the PAUSE command and gets rid of the "Strike a key when ready . . ." message. You can instruct STOP.COM to proceed when any key is pressed, or wait for a specific key (extended codes are allowed). Create STOP.COM with STOP.BAS below. STOP.COM will be either 11 or 19 bytes long depending on your choice of trigger keys. 100 'STOP.BAS 110 DIM D(19):FOR Y=1 TO 11:READ D(Y):NEXT:DEF SEG=&H40 120 PRINT "Type specific key OR '?' for any key "; 130 LY$=INKEY$:IF LY$="" GOTO 130 140 TL=PEEK(26):TL=TL-2:IF TL<30 THEN TL=60 150 C1=PEEK(TL):C2=PEEK(TL+1) 160 IF C1<>0 THEN 190 170 SI=19:FOR Y=10 TO 19:READ D(Y):NEXT 180 D(15)=C2:D(6)=60:D(7)=0:GOTO 200 190 SI=11:IF C1<>63 THEN D(6)=60:D(7)=C1 200 OPEN "STOP.COM" AS #1 LEN=1 210 FIELD 1,1 AS PH$ 220 FOR Y=1 TO SI:LSET PH$=CHR$(D(Y)):PUT #1:NEXT 230 PRINT:PRINT "STOP.COM created.":CLOSE #1:END 240 DATA 184,8,12,205,33,56,192,117,247,205 250 DATA 32,180,8,205,33,60,0,117,239,205,32 The following is an assembler code version that will proceed only when the F1 key is pressed. xxxx:0100 B8080C MOV AX,0C08 xxxx:0103 CD21 INT 21 xxxx:0105 3C00 CMP AL,00 xxxx:0107 75F7 JNZ 0100 xxxx:0109 B408 MOV AH,08 xxxx:010B CD21 INT 21 xxxx:010D 3C3B CMP AL,3B xxxx:010F 75EF JNZ 0100 xxxx:0111 CD20 INT 20 Use DOS 2.0 or later DEBUG by first typing in DEBUG STOP.COM, then typing A, then the rightmost two columns above. Finish it off by hitting the Enter key twic, then typing RCX, then 13, then W, then Q, hitting the Enter key after each. The 3B in the CMP AL,3B line is the extended scan code for F1; to use F2 as the trigger, replace the 3B with 3C, etc. Editor's Note: By creating STOP.COM and inserting the word STOP in a batch file, you do halt the operation of the batch file without the conventional PAUSE message. However, you have to tell the user to hit a key, presumably with an ECHO subcommand, so you're really not gaining much, and you have to precede the STOP line with an ECHO OFF, or you'll see the word STOP on-screen. In addition, the PAUSE works so well that if the "Strike . . ." message is really a bother, just change it. Use DEBUG with a copy of COMMAND.COM. At the DEBUG prompt, type RCX and hit the Enter key twice to see how long your version of COMMAND.COM is. Then enter the following DEBUG search instruction: S 100 XXXX "Strike a key" (replacing the XXXX with the length reported when you typed RCX). The last four digits of the new number DEBUG reports are the address of the "Strike . . ." message -- for DOS 3.1 the address would be 491E. You can use the DEBUG E command to replace it with something the same length, such as "Hit any key to continue" or you can blank it out if you want by entering 23 spaces between a pair of quotation marks. If the new message is shorter than the old, pad out the difference with spaces. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Interactive Batch Files (PC World January 1986 Star-Dot-Star) DOS batch file commands don't support one very useful feature -- user interaction. The program QUERY.COM, when executed, displays a message and waits for a single-keystroke reply. A batch file can then test ERRORLEVEL to determine the user's selection. To use the program, type QUERY followed by the text you want displayed as a prompt, then an "at" sign (@) followed by the valid response characters. QUERY will set the ERRORLEVEL value to correspond to the sequence of the characters listed. For example, when the lines shown in USERTEST.BAT execute, the PC will display the message "Do you want to see a list of files?" and wait for you to press Y or N (upper- or lowercase); all other keystrokes are ignored. If you press Y, ERRORLEVEL will be set to 1. If you type N, ERRORLEVEL will be set to 2. Note that because DOS performs an "equal to or greater than" test for ERRORLEVEL, you must test the highest values first. If no @ character is found, QUERY will simply display the message. If a question mark is included at the end of the response list, QUERY will match any character. Don't put a space at the end of the list unless you want the bar to be considered a valid response. USERTEST.BAT: echo off cls query Do you want to see a list of files? @yn if errorlevel 2 goto no if errorlevel 1 goto yes :no don't show list of files goto end :yes do show list of files dir goto end :end ----------------------------------------------------------------- Batch Line Skipper (PC Magazine Vol 5 No 3 Feb 11, 1986 User-to-User) The DOS 3.1 COMMAND.COM patch to skip a line in a batch file with the ECHO + space + space construction (User-to-User, Vol 4 No 24) is useful only when running a batch file on a system that has the patched COMMAND.COM. Anyone else who distributes batch files needs a way to skip lines in batch files on all systems. With ECHO OFF, the construction ECHO ^H (^H means hold down the Ctrl key and hit the H key) will skip a line using both DOS 2.1 and 3.1. To demonstrate this, create a batch file called LINE.BAT with these lines: ECHO OFF ECHO This is line 1. ECHO ^H ECHO This is line 3. To insert the Ctrl-H you will need an editor or word processor that is able to embed control characters. This can be done with WordStar by holding down the Ctrl key and typing PH. Using EDLIN this can be done by holding down the Ctrl key and typing VH. Editor's Note: The extended ASCII character set offers three blanks -- CHR$(0), CHR$(32) and CHR$(255). CHR$(32) is the conventional between-word space, while CHR$(0) is a null and CHR$(255) is a high-bit space. Following ECHO with either a CHR$(0) or a CHR$(255) will skip a line. Two other ways to create these line skippers are in BASIC and in DEBUG. WordStar lets you make the ECHO + CHR$(255) (but not CHR$(0)) by holding down the Alt key, typing 255 on the number pad (not the top row), and then releasing the Alt key -- if you do this, a ^ appears. If you use DEBUG, type in the whole file using your word processor (or even the DOS COPY CON: facility) but put a single dummy character where the CHR$(0) or CHR$(255) goes. Then get into DEBUG and replace the dummy character with either a 0 for CHR$(0) or an FF for CHR$(255), or just follow ECHO with a period -- and no intervening space. ----------------------------------------------------------------- REMless REMs (PC Magazine Vol 5 No 3 Feb 11, 1986 User-to-User) Well-chosen remarks within a batch file can be very valuable in prompting a user to swap disks or to display a title or logo. However, it would be nice to eliminate the actual word REM from the display. The trick is to place a string of backspaces (CHR$(8)) at the beginning of the remark line. You can't do this when using the DOS COPY CON: batch creation method, since DOS uses the Backspace key for making corrections. But any word processor that allows embedded control codes makes it easy. In the following REMLESS.BAT example, the first remark will be preceded by a REM, while the second won't. (Each backspace here appears as a lowercase h.) CLS REM this is a remark REMhhhthis is a REMless remark You can also use this technique along with SideKick's ability to enter and edit the upper 128 ASCII graphics symbols to create attractive titles. Editor's Note: This eliminates the problem of displaying REMs, but it's just as easy to start batch files with ECHO OFF and then ECHO comments. If you have a word processor such as SideKick or WordStar that lets you embed control characters, you can create each backspace in REMLESS.BAT by typing Ctrl-PH (they'll show up as ^H's). Otherwise, run the REMLESS.BAS program below. 100 'REMLESS.BAS: Creates REMLESS.BAT test batchfile 110 OPEN "remless.bat" FOR OUTPUT AS #1 120 PRINT #1,"CLS" 130 PRINT #1,"REM this is a remark" 140 PRINT #1,"REM";STRING$(3,8);"this is a REMless remark" 150 CLOSE:END ----------------------------------------------------------------- Improved Return to a Previous Directory (PC World January 1986 The Help Screen) This technique provides a more elegant method to make a batch file that changes directories switch back to the directory from which the batch file was invoked. It assumes that batch files are kept in a directory called BATCH and that a PATH command that includes the BATCH directory is executed by the hard disk's AUTOEXEC.BAT file. This routine relies on a 3-character ASCII file called CDSPACE.TXT and three DOS commands that you can add to any batch file that changes directories. First create CDSPACE.TXT and store it in the hard disk's BATCH directory with the following procedure. At DOS, type COPY CON C: \BATCH\CDSPACE.TXT and press Enter. Then type CD and press the space bar. To write the file to disk, press F6 and Enter. After creating SAMPLE.BAT below, type PATH and press Enter to verify that C:\BATCH is included in the list of directories that are to be searched for the commands or batch files not in the current directory. (If it is not included, type PATH C:\BATCH and press Enter.) Make the root directory current by typing CD\ and press Enter, and run the batch file by typing SAMPLE followed by Enter. The first line of SAMPLE.BAT copies the 3-character ASCII file CDSPACE.TXT into a file called RESET_CD.BAT in the BATCH directory of drive C:. The ">NUL" at the end of this line redirects the screen output of the copy command, "1 file(s) copied," to the NUL device (the equivalent of "nothing") so that the copy message is not displayed on the screen. The double greater-than symbols in the second line cause the CD (current directory) command's output (in this case, C:\), which is normally displayed on screen, to be appended to the 3 characters of RESET_CD.BAT. RESET_CD.BAT now consists of the command CD followed by the name of the directory from which SAMPLE.BAT was invoked. These two lines, of course, must be executed before the batch file changes directories. SAMPLE.BAT then displays the current directory (the directory from which it was invoked), changes directories, and displays the name of the new current directory. The last line of SAMPLE.BAT calls RESET_CD.BAT, the file that was created by SAMPLE.BAT's first two lines. RESET_CD.BAT makes the directory from which SAMPLE.BAT was called the current directory. SAMPLE.BAT: COPY C:\BATCH\CDSPACE.TXT C:\BATCH\RESET_CD.BAT > NUL CD >> C:\BATCH\RESET_CD.BAT REM The lines that begin and end this sample batch REM file can be added to any batch file that changes REM directories so that the batch file can change REM back to the directory from which it was invoked. CD CD \BATCH CD RESET_CD ----------------------------------------------------------------- Batch Refinements (PC Magazine Vol 5 No 6 Mar 25, 1986 User-to-User) You can speed up execution of batch files two ways. First, instead of using repeated ECHO statements to put long messages on-screen, have the program instead TYPE the contents of several small message files on the same disk. This also lets you create attractive, centered screens with borders, arrows, etc. Second, instead of using REMs to insert nonprinting comments, turn such comments into labels by putting a colon at the beginning of the line. These look neater than REMs and will not print to the screen regardless of whether ECHO is off or on. All FOR DOS Redirection (PC World April 1986 The Help Screen) This article addresses execution of the DOS command FOR with a utility that requires redirection fo standard input and output. Suppose the utility STRIP.COM is used to convert WordStar files into ASCII files. The command syntax is STRIP < infile > outfile where infile is the name of the WordStar file to be converted, and outfile is the name of the ASCII output file. The command: FOR %Z IN (*.*) DO command will execute whatever DOS command replaces command for each of the file names listed between the parentheses. In using the FOR command to execute STRIP repeatedly for each WordStar file (none of which has a file name extension) to create ASCII files with the same name plus the extension .ASC, the command: FOR %Z IN (*.) DO STRIP < %Z > %Z.ASC produces the "File not found" error message. The solution: When present in a DOS command, the redirection symbol < enables the command to receive its input from the file (or device) specified after the symbol instead of from the keyboard. In such instances, DOS verifies that the specified file exists before executing the command. For example, try the command: DIR < %Z. %Z is the name of the file that DOS could not find when you invoke the FOR command. Because the FOR command is not executed until DOS has completed its search for the input file, %Z is not interpreted as a DOS variable but rather as literal characters of a file name, i.e., the redirection symbols in: FOR %Z IN (*.) DO STRIP < %Z > %Z.ASC are part of the FOR command and not the STRIP command. To solve the problem, first create the STRIP.BAT batch file: STRIP < %1 > %1.ASC Substituting STRIP.BAT %Z in place of STRIP < %Z > %Z.ASC in the original command works almost as intended, except that conversion will work only on the first matching file before the DOS prompt reappears. This is because DOS doesn't permit a batch file to be nested within a FOR command (or inside another batch file), so control is not returned to the FOR command after the nested batch file has been executed. You can, however, nest a call for another command processor. When the second command processor has completed its function, control is passed back to the initial command processor, which then resumes its current task. Having created STRIP.BAT, therefore, you can type: FOR %Z IN (*.) DO \ COMMAND /C STRIP.BAT %Z and press Enter to convert the files. Better yet, place that command in a batch file, which you may want to call BULKSTRP.BAT. And don't forget that the variables of a FOR command in a batch file must be preceded by double % signs. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Batch of Documentation (PC World April 1986 Star-Dot-Star) As utility programs accumulate, there's an obvious need for some means to keep track of their various features and commands. You can maintain the information you need in separate files, one for each program. Each program is named after the program it documents, but contains the extension .DOC. For retrieval use a batch file called DOC.BAT that includes the following line: TYPE %1.DOC | MORE. The MORE command prevents text longer than 24 lines from scrolling off the screen but requires that the DOS filter program MORE.COM also be on the disk; you may choose to omit the command and the pipe symbol that precedes it. Whenever you need information about a particular utility, simply type DOC followed by the program's name. For example, type DOS WHEREIS to view on-line documentation for WHEREIS.COM. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Best Batch Branch (PC Magazine Vol 5 No 8 Apr 29, 1986 User-to-User) Long batch files containing numerous "if ... goto" conditional statements tend to slow down dramatically as processing moves further along. DOS searches slowly for each new label from the top of the file, yielding a pathetic 5- to 10-second delay, even on an AT, if the label occurs near the end of a long batch. There is a way to get rid of all the labels and "if errorlevel ... goto" statements, allowing a batch file to work at top speed and still contain numerous conditional branches. Most batches can be controlled with a simple Y(es) or other single-key response to each request. The GETKEY technique described in an earlier User-to-User sets a different errorlevel for every response. Because DOS returns a "true" if errorlevel <= the set value, batch files ordinarily require four "if errorlevel" tests to obtain "true" on Y or y but "false" on other keys. GETYES.COM performs these tests, thereby removing them from the batch. It sets errorlevel 255 for Y or y and errorlevel 0 for any other key. This lets you directly perform an operation with the statement "if errorlevel 255 (perform some DOS function)". GETYES.COM is created with GETYES.BAS below. You can next "if" conditionals on one line of a batch file for further flexibility and control; for example, "if errorlevel 255 if exist filename (perform some DOS function)" or "if errorlevel 255 if x == %1 (perform some DOS function)". This doesn't seem to be documented in the DOS manual. 100 'GETYES.BAS 110 OPEN "GETYES.COM" AS #1 LEN=1 120 FIELD #1,1 AS D$ 130 FOR B=1 TO 18 140 READ A$:LSET D$=CHR$(VAL("&H"+A$)) 150 PUT #1:NEXT:CLOSE 160 DATA B4,00,CD,16,3C,59,74,04,3C 170 DATA 79,75,02,B0,FF,B4,4C,CD,21 Editor's Note: This technique makes batch branching a pleasure. If you want to use N and n rather than Y and y to trigger errorlevel, substitute 4E for 59 in line 160 and 6E for 79 in line 170, and change the reference from GETYES.COM to GETNO.COM. To test this after creating the GETYES.COM program, use this TESTTHIS.BAT file: echo off :start echo Hit y or Y or another key getyes if errorlevel 255 goto :yes goto :no :yet echo said yes goto :continue :no echo didn't hit y or Y :continue echo Now, want to quit (y/n)? getyes if errorlevel 255 goto :exit goto :start :exit The nesting abilities allow even more power. To test these, revise the fifth line of TESTTHIS.BAT to read: if errorlevel 255 if Z==%1 goto :yes Then, if you execute TESTTHIS.BAT again, hitting Y or y at the first prompt will not result in a branch as it did earlier. To make both of the nested conditions true, instead of executing the batch file by typing TESTTHIS, at the DOS prompt type: TESTTHIS Z and hit Y or y when asked. The Z after the filename will replace the %1 parameter, and since both conditions (the errorlevel and the Z==Z) are true, the batch file will work as advertised. If you try this, be sure to type in a capital Z; DOS, which much of the time converts lowercase keyboard inputs into uppercase ones, is case-sensitive here. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Automating a DOS 3.1 Upgrade (PC Magazine Vol 5 No 10 May 27, 1986 PC Tutor) One of the differences between DOS 3.0 and 3.1 is the way the ECHO command works. With DOS 3.0, batch files can turn ECHO off and then use the ECHO command to display instructions on the screen. Using ECHO followed by two spaces to create blank lines works with DOS 3.0 but DOS 3.1 gives an "Echo is off" message on these lines. This obstacle can be overcome. Converting batch files is an easy job using the search-and-replace function in many text editors and word processors. This conversion is an excellent example of a job you can handle rather elegantly using only normal DOS programs and facilities. The secret is getting ECHO to print a blank line is to use the ASCII code 255 instead of a blank. ASCII 255 shows up as a blank on the PC screen, but to DOS, it's a nonblank, so you won't get the "Echo is off" message. You can create an ASCII 255 at your keyboard by pressing the Alt key, typing 255 on the number pad, and then releasing the Alt key. Some text editors and word processors can handle ASCII 255 and some can't, but the job can be done easily with EDLIN. EDLIN is tiny and fast, and ideal for doing fix-up jobs on text files less than 64K in length. If you edit the batch files in EDLIN, you can do a search and replace to fix up the ECHO command with this EDLIN command: 1.RECHO ECHO {255} The first number means "start a line 1." The missing second number after the comma means to end at the last line in memory. Next is R for "replace," followed immediately by the old string (ECHO and two blanks). After the old string, press the F6 key (do not type the < and > brackets). It will appear on the display as a ^Z. Then type the new string: ECHO followed by a blank followed by the ASCII code 255. The notation here means: press the Alt key, type 255 on the number pad, then release the Alt key. This, incidentally, will appear as a blank on your display. Since EDLIN's search and replace is case- sensitive, you'll probably have to do it for lowercase "echo" commands if you've also used these in your batch files. Since EDLIN gets keyboard input through DOS (unlike most word processor and text editors), it can be used with redirection of standard input. Begin by creating a small file (with EDLIN, of course) called REPLACE that looks like: 1.RECHO ECHO {255} 2.RECHO Echo {255} 3.RECHO echo {255} E Don't type these lines as commands in EDLIN. Instead, go into EDLIN's Insert mode (with the I command), and type them as data into the file. These are keystrokes used below. Note that three different search-and-replace strings are included for the three possible ways ECHO probably appears in your batch files. The E command at the end tells EDLIN to end and save. (If you ever have to edit REPLACE after you create it, use the /B option with EDLIN. Since F6 is the same as a Ctrl-Z, which normally means "End of File," EDLIN will stop reading the file at the first Ctrl-Z unless it has the /B flag.) Now to change a particular batch file, all you have to do is enter the command: EDLIN batfile.BAT < REPLACE and DOS will get all the keystrokes from REPLACE to do the search and replace for you. Let's go a step further. Start by creating a one-line batch file (called CHGBAT.BAT): EDLIN %1 < REPLACE Then create another one-line batch file called CHGALL.BAT: FOR %%X IN (*.BAT) DO COMMAND /C CHGBAT %%X Now when you run CHGALL.BAT, it will execute CHGBAT.BAT for every batch file on the disk (or subdirectory). Each time CHGBAT runs, it loads another batch file into EDLIN and uses REPLACE for the keystrokes to do the search and replace. An interesting side-effect you'll encounter when you go through this process is that some batch files will get edited twice. The reason is that EDLIN renames the old version of an edited file with an extension .BAK. It creates a new directory entry to save the new version. Thus, the FOR command in CHGALL.BAT comes across the file again. You'll also notice that CHGALL.BAT and CHGBAT.BAT will themselves be edited by EDLIN during this process. Neither of these two peculiarities caused any problems under DOS 3.1, however. If you have batch files in a lot of different subdirectories on your hard disk, you could use SWEEP.COM (PC Mag Vol 4 No 23) to run CHGALL over all subdirectories on the hard disk with the command: SWEEP CHGALL If you decide to do this, make sure to set your PATH command so that DOS can find CHGALL and CHGBAT from different subdirectories. Also modify CHGBAT.BAT to include the specific directory where REPLACE may be found. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Batch File Input Comment (PC World June 1986 Star-Dot-Star) DOS does not have a batch file facility to accept input from the keyboard. If you write batch files frequently, you may have been frustrated because then can't prompt the user to supply text that can be used as parameters for another operation. One solution is KEYLINE.COM, which accepts a line of input from the keyboard and stores it in a specified file. With I/O redirection, that file can supply the equivalent of typed input for another program; if the specified file name ends with .BAT, .COM, or .EXE, it can be run without modification. To use KEYLINE.COM, type: KEYLINE filename . (Be sure to type only one space between the command KEYLINE and the name of the file that is to store the user's input.) Filename may include a DOS path, but be careful. Although KEYLINE.COM will create the specified file when it does not exist, the program will erase the current contents of an existing specified file before it accepts and stores the user's response. If for any reason the file cannot be created, KEYLINE.COM will set the batch ERRORLEVEL to 1 and exit, so you may wish to rest for that value immediately after executing KEYLINE.COM. The batch file MENU.BAT demonstrates one way to use KEYLINE.COM. 1 'KEYLINE.BAS: RUN to create KEYLINE.COM 10 DEFINT A-Z:CLS:KEY OFF:DEF FNHEX(X$)=VAL("&h"+X$) 20 READ F$ 30 LOCATE 5,1,1:PRINT "Checking DATA ...."; 40 SUM-0:READ LN:IF LN<0 THEN 80 50 READ H$:IF VAL(H$)<0 THEN 70 60 SUM=(SUM+FNHEX(H$))*2:SUM=(SUM\256)+(SUM MOD 256):GOTO 50 70 READ CKSUM$:IF SUM=FNHEX(CKSUM$) THEN 40 ELSE GOTO 170 80 RESTORE:CLS:READ F$ 90 LOCATE 5,1,1:PRINT "Press any key except ESC to create ";F$;": "; 100 A$=INPUT$(1):PRINT:IF A$=CHR$(27) THEN END 110 LOCATE 6,1:PRINT "Working ..."; 120 OPEN F$ AS #1 LEN=1:FIELD #1,1 AS BX$ 130 READ LN:IF LN<0 THEN 160 140 READ H$:IF VAL(H$)<0 THEN READ CKSUM$:GOTO 130 150 LSET BX$=CHR$(FNHEX(H$)):PUT #1:GOTO 140 160 CLOSE:PRINT:PRINT F$;" has been created.":END 170 PRINT:PRINT "Error in DATA line";STR$(LN);" :" 180 PRINT "Check DATA statements.":BEEP:END 1000 DATA "" 1010 DATA 1,be,80,00,31,db,8a,1c,46,c6,00,00,46,89,f2,b9,20,-1,1b 1020 DATA 2,00,b4,3c,cd,21,72,32,89,c1,be,4f,01,c6,04,80,89,-1,5b 1030 DATA 3,f2,b8,0a,0c,cd,21,46,31,db,8a,1c,80,c3,02,c7,00,-1,58 1040 DATA 4,0a,1a,fe,c3,87,cb,46,89,f2,b4,40,cd,21,72,0a,b4,-1,a0 1050 DATA 5,3e,cd,21,72,04,b0,00,eb,02,b0,01,b4,4c,cd,21,-1,21,-1 MENU.BAT: echo off cls echo Enter the command you wish to perform: keyline cmd.bat echo pause >> cmd.bat echo %0 >> cmd.bat cmd