IBM PERSONAL COMPUTER ON-LINE HELP V5.2 by D.N.Ikle' 02/01/86 For public domain use only On-Line HELP provides access to descriptions of all the commands and utilities available on an IBM PC/XT or PC compatible hard disk system under IBM PC DOS 3.x. An abbreviated version can also be installed on a floppy disk based PC or PC compatible system under IBM or MS DOS 2.x. On-Line HELP can be invoked either from the DOS prompt or from within an application program, and it can be easily modified to describe any particular system. On-Line HELP is distributed on bulletin boards in the two archive files HELPxxA.ARC and HELPxxB.ARC, where xx is the current version number. The public domain utility ARC is required to extract the individual files. HELPxxA.ARC contains files needed to install non-resident HELP and to describe IBM DOS 3.1 commands. Included are: HELPxx.TXT Description of version xx archive files. COMMAND1.### Annotated list of IBM DOS 3.1 commands. DPATH.COM Public domain path extender utility. DPATH.DOC Documentation for DPATH. HELP.### On-Line HELP display file describing HELP. HELP.COM On-Line HELP program (non-resident). HELP.DOC Documentation for On-Line HELP. HELPDOS3.ARC HELP files for IBM DOS 3.1 commands. TEMPLATE Skeleton HELP display file. HELPxxB.ARC contains the memory resident version of the HELP program, additional HELP files that describe the Norton Utilities Version 3.1 and 24 common public domain utilities, and the Turbo Pascal source code for the two versions of HELP. Included are: HELPxx.TXT Description of version xx archive files. COMMAND2.### Annotated list of all commands/utilities. HELP.INC TP include file of common procedures. HELP.PAS TP source code for non-resident HELP. HELPER.COM On-Line HELP program (memory resident). HELPER.PAS TP source code for memory resident HELP. HELPNORT.ARC HELP files for the Norton Utilities 3.1. HELPPUBL.ARC HELP files for public domain utilities. Version 5.0 incorporates numerous improvements that enhance program function and speed its execution. For example, the instruction screen is stored internally as an array, the heap is used to save and restore the initial display screen, all writing to the screen is done through the screen buffer, and the keyword entry field on the main menu has full editing capability. Version 5.1 blanks the cursor when HELP screens are displayed and displays the menu and HELP screens in color on a color monitor. Version 5.2 includes a memory resident version of the program that allows HELP to be invoked from within other programs. The distribution files have been renamed to show the current version. Copyright 1985,1986 by David N. Ikle'. All rights reserved. David N. Ikle' 1671 Newport Street Denver, CO 80220 303-333-9322