This file, ICONJM1.ZIP, contains a few icons I created with ICONDRAW. This is my first attempt. Some turned out pretty good. Included in the file are: 123.ICO Lotus 123 2.2 BARCHT.ICO A sample bar chart for use with Harvard Graphics and other graphics programs. PCSHELL.ICO PC Tools Shell Program (V6) PCDESK.ICO PC Tools Desktop - note I downloaded from this forum. I am not the artist. I include it as a companion to my PCSHELL.ICO. (Why recreate the wheel?) FLOPDISK.ICO A simple drawing of 5 1/4" floppy disk. MICRODSK.ICO A simple drawing of a 3 1/2" disk. Use these any way you like. I only ask that you send me an EASYPLEX message (76334,3125) letting me know how you like them. Feel free to distribute them freely but please give me credit (except for PCDESK.ICO). Note that sometimes when assigning an ICO file to a group, some garbage appears at the top of the ICON.I believe this is a problem with ICONDRAW since I've seen a few threads regarding similar problems. I've noticed that the garbage changes everytime you change the icon. Therefore, if you play with it a bit you can usually get a clean icon. John Michl 76334,3125 6/26/90