Here are the updated Win 3.0 drivers for the Video7 Fastwrite, 1024i, and VRAM I downloaded tem directly from Video7's BBS. The V7SETUP program included actually installs these drivers as options which will appear in Windows Setup. Nice touch guys. This came with no instructions (are you listening Headland/Video7?), so I'll tell you how I got it to work. 1) V7SETUP.EXE program must run from within Windows - Click on it twice from the File Manager, or Run it from the file menu. 2) IT MUST BE IN THE \WINDOWS\SYSTEM DIRECTORY when you run it. - More acurately, it must be in the same directory as window's SYSTEM.INF file. THIS IS A KEY INSTRUCTION - I diddled around with this for nigh on an hour before I figured it out. It will lock up your machine if you run it from anywhere else. 3) The program will ask where to find the nre driver files - Type in the path name where the new drivers are, and copy them the the windows system directory (I had already put them there, this works too). - The program will then add the descriptions in the supplied OEMSETUP.INF file to your SYSTEM.INF file. This is where Windows Setup finds them. 4) Now run Windows Setup and voila! the new drivers appear as video display options. Choose one and have a party. Dean Stacey - Compuserve 73537,3215