WLPAPR20.doc 20 MAY 1990 Wallpaper Menu (c)1990 Philosophy; This program serves only two purposes 1. It was an exercise for me, as a beginner programmer and new to Turbo Pascal 4.0. 2. I like Wallpaper and thought it could fill the screens of others who were taking a break from number crunching or Publishing or whatever. Disclaimer; R-E-J Cannot be responsible for any possible problems resulting from the use of this program. I assure you every effort and precaution has been taken to insure that nothing could happen. About WLPAPR20 This is version 2.0 and is considered by us to be a beginning to some larger more challenging works. Already several ideas have surfaced. I anticipate that versions through 4.0 will also be just for fun and more an exercise for us than a benefit to mankind. Still we sincerely hope that Wallpaper will be enjoyed. WLPAPR20 started out as G-ROUT for Graphics Routines and was uploaded and available for about 12 hours. Until It was discovered that it only ran properly on VGA systems. That is just the opposite of the philiosphy behind Wallpaper so I attempted to recover them... There is nothing extreamly complicated about the routines, they are are based off simple beginner pascal graphics routines that you can find in any Pascal book. As I was writting and modifying them it occured to me that it might be fun to be able to switch from one to another. Therefore Wallpaper was born... Operation; Id like to think that operating Wallpaper is self explanatory. All the commands are listed up front on the main menu. I don't know why I decided to use all CAPS but I've decided not to change it at this time. If it really bothers anyone I'll be glad to change it on the next version. Future? Well I cant say that I have big plans but I do plan on at least one more upgrade so I can add some slightly more complicated routines I'm planning. Also If anyone would like to submit a routine for later versions Id be glad to see them. Please address any Questions or comments or suggestions to; Rick Johns NiteLog BBS (408)-655-1096 Id like to hear your comments about how Wallpaper Routines could be better. Updates to this and any other R-E-J programs can always be found on Nitelog.... Registration; I have elected not to require registration at this time and on this version (2.0) But If you enjoy this type of program (like I do) please consider a donation of $10.00 or more. Ill be glad to register you and mail to you the next version of Wallpaper. Thank you for your support! R-E-J (Rick, Eric, Jason) 627 Thomas Ct B7 Ft Ord, CA, 93941