The following is designed to be a "Cheat Sheet" when using the AGS. (Throughout this document the word "APP" refers to the name you have given your application) For applications generated by AGS V2.0 and later. I: Installing AGS. Once you've De-ARChived AGS.ARC, Enter: INSTALL (Where is the path where Dbase resides. II: Creating an Application (once AGS is installed). From the Dbase subdirectory, enter: DBASE AGSCR The system will ask for the name of the database you wish to create. Enter it and verify. Then the system will build the necessary files and subdirectories. Afterwards, the system will begin the Create program. The menu for that is: 1> Edit the Main.Dbf database file 2> Create or Modify your Database 3> Build the Shell Create.DBF 4> Edit the Create.DBF 5> Build the Support Files 6> Erase Create Files from Subdirectory Perform each of those tasks in order. Tips for each step: 1: Don't change the database name. 2: Remember, no MEMO type fields. 3: This will OVERWRITE any work on Create previously performed. 4: There must be at least 1 Sort, but no more than 4. 5: You may need to Manually modify Eapp.prg, W1app.prg and Prapp.prg, depending on: a: The number of fields in the database. b: The length of the fields. c: How you want the Entry Screen and Hardcopy output to appear. 6: Don't perform this step until you're done. III: Once the application is created: i> Starting an Application: From your Dbase subdirectory, enter: DBASE APP Copyright 1988 - RL Coppedge, CDP All Rights Reserved ii> Main Menu: The following Choices are given: App Database System Choose from the following: 1> Inquiry/Entry Enter and Maintain data 2> Reports Dummy menu for future reports 3> File Transfer Dummy menu for communication 4> WP Conversion Convert data to WP format 5> Search Free-form inquiry 6> Housekeeping Housekeeping (backup, index, etc) 7> Help Help on database structure 8> S.C. Maint Maintains library of Selection Criteria 9> Verification Edit Maintains Verification Data 0> Registration Info How do you register? Inquiry Entry is performed in the following steps: a> Choosing a Sort Order. b> Enter the Key Field. c> Edit the Record. d> Update/Release Record. WP Conversion is performed in the following steps: a> Choose format of output. b> Choose output file name. c> Choose Selection Criteria. d> Choose Sort Order. WP Conversion output files have the following extensions: Format: Extension: Word Perfect .WP Word Star 2000 .WS WPS PC+ .WPS Display Write IV .DSP Dbase (setup a new database) .DBF Search is performed in the following steps: 1> Enter the Field name you wish to see. 2> Enter the Selection Criteria. 3> Do you want only totals? 4> Do you want this to be printed out? 5> Choose a Sort Order 6> Do you want new page on each group (#6 only if print is chosen and the Sort Order is Copyright 1988 - RL Coppedge, CDP All Rights Reserved a sortable one) Housekeeping gives you the following options: 1> Data Backup. Backs up to Drive 'A' 2> Reindex Data Do when problems arise 3> Data Verification For verifiable fields 4> Control Controls certain Dbase values 5> Delete Blank Records For Create->Blank_fld = "Y" 6> Pack Database Permanently removes Del Records Help gives list of fields, asks for #, returns information on that particular field. Sort Criteria (S.C.) Maint gives you the following options: 1> Display all S.C. 2> Modify a Specific S.C. 3> Add a New Sort Criteria 4> Test + Produce a S.C. Report (hardcopy) Selection Criteria is nothing more than a conditional definition in Dbase III+ terms. However, AGS allows them to be saved in a library and called up. This allows a more knowledgeable user to design the Selection Criteria to be used by someone with less experience. Also available is the Selection Criteria guide, which will guide someone through the maze. Verification Edit Lists all variables marked for verification. Allows entry of high and low value (for numeric), oldest and most recent date (for dates) and add character values (for character fields) Registration Info Like the man says, How do you register? Send comments, suggestions, bugs and *money* to: RL Coppedge, CDP CIS #: 72117,165 446 Richmond Pk E 402A Genie: R.COPPEDGE1 Richmond Hts, Ohio Cleve Free-Net: AE069 44143 AGS Copyright 1988--> RL Coppedge, CDP. All rights reserved. Later!!! Bob Copyright 1988 - RL Coppedge, CDP All Rights Reserved