This TRAKBLASTER .MOD file is part of my collection. I'm the editor and creator of GIF News - a freely copied computer magazine in .GIF format. Read about new developments, reviews of games and programs, hardware (like the Soundblaster), find out about some interesting BBSes, and more! The .GIF format allows full color pictures, diagrams, and graphics to complement the text. GIF News can be identified by the filename where YY is the year and MM is the month. For example, the September 1990 issue will have the filename - look for it on your local BBS or favorite FTP site today. Or call the Channel 1 BBS (617)354-8873 [2400/1200] & (617)354-3137 [USR HST] or anonymously FTP to in the /pub/MSDOS-UPLOADS directory. Interested in more TRAKBLASTER files from my collection? My internet E-mail address is: Bitnet: userGJ8l@rpitsmts.bitnet Or leave a message for me on the Channel 1 BBS. Thanks, Eric Hsiao