ALUSQ All Purpose Unsqueeze Version 1.1 3-04-85 by Alan Losoff Restore squeezed files to their original name (and time/date if known). Will handle files squeezed by older CP/M compatible SQ's and by MSDOS SQ2. Fast! USQ ifn [ifn ...] [d:path\] [/r] [/d] [/nnnn] [/fnnnn] ifn input file names (drive, path and wildcards ok!) d:path\ output drive and/or path. /r Replace existing file with same name. /d Set time/and date to current (not original) date. /nnnn Display nnnn lines to screen (may use >prn: ) /fnnnn Same as nnnn, but skip to a new page between files. Options specified with (-) instead of (/) only affect files following them on the line. Similarly output paths followed by input file names refer only to following files. All options must be separated by spaces. Examples: USQ a:*.?q? b: /r all sq'd files on a: to b: USQ x.qqq d: y.qqq -10 z.qqq x.qqq -> x; y.qqq -> d:y; z.qqq -> display 10 lines