Welcome to ARCOM version 1.00. The ARC Commander. This batch file will assist you to to get started using the archive utility program. ARCOM uses the Fast! resources of the PK series of archiving programs to do its work of archiving and un-arcing files. ARCOM also allows the user to define a list or edit utility of choice for viewing ASCII text files. In order for ARCOM to run, it has to know where these programs are located on your system. This requires a small amount of setup before you can use the program. This setup is described in detail in Part 1 of the .DOC file, and a step by step guide is also provided there. PLEASE take the few minutes required to set-up for ARCOM. The process is very easy and I think you will agree that the results are worth it. To use ARCOM the user must set 3 environment variables. This is done by adding 3 lines to the AUTOEXEC.BAT file. For those of you who are already familiar with how this simple procedure is done, the three variables are; SET ARCHIVE=(d:)(path)(filename.ext) of PKARC.EXE or PKARC.COM SET UN-ARCX=(d:)(path)(filename.ext) of PKXARC.EXE or PKXARC.COM SET LIST/ED=(d:)(path)(filename.ext) of the list or edit utility you prefer The PK program filename extension depends on the version of PK you have. The list/editor must be able to accept a filename on the command line. The path should be the path from the root directory to the file.