ARC Files - What they are and How to Use them. (From the Parody Conference of "Your Place" 703-978-6360) ARC - noun. 1. An archaic form for storing multiple files in one file in compressed form. A proprietary product of Systems Enhancement Associates (SEA), and used exclusively by them. Today an object of scorn, implying greed, extortion and self destruction. History buffs should know that ARC was the most common form for archiving and compressing files on IBM PCompatibles (from J. Pourneille) prior to 1989. In the computer equivalent of the mass extinction of the dinosaurs, ARC'd files mysteriously began to disappear in February of that year. Among the theories advanced for the Fall of ARC we present here some of the more or less likely ones: * Viral Epidemic: Arc files having a timed virus causing them to self destruct. The term ARC was held to be a secret acronym for "Anally Rotated Constrictor". The Association of Computer Security Consultants even released a video detailing the supposed conspiracy and predicting the next target would be files with "D" as the first letter in their extension. Not seen to have more proof than UFOs. * Act of God: Vengeance for an attempt by SEA to trademark the term ARC, which had been formerly associated with a Biblical flood. An angel named Noah is held to have visited all computers, sparing only those with a "Z" etched on them. This theory was first advanced by a Television Evangelist who said that an even worse plague would come unless every automated check writing computer sent him $100. * Senility: ARC finally succumbed to Alzheimer's Rectal Contortion - a fatal condition marked by slowness of operation, forgetfulness of where you came from, and association with lawyers. * Moral Decrepitude: The reign of ARC was undermined by smugness, arrogance and taxes on 3rd party developers, which eroded popular support and precipitated a "hard disk tea party" in which ARC files were zipped into oblivion. * Aliens: A theory first advanced in the National Enquirer, which reported that millions of computer owners woke up one morning to find their PC's singing: "Zippety do da, Zippety day My oh my what a wonderful day..."