******** BIBLIOMAN ******** ******** Bibliographic Reference ******** ******** Manager ******** ******** for Windows ******** ******** ******** ******** ©1991 CGSoft ******** ******** DEMONSTRATION VERSION ******** This archive should include the following files: BIBDEMO.EXE Main program BIBLIOG.STY Style file for journal styles SAMPLE.BIB sample bibliography BIBLIO.WRI Documentation in Windows Write format Note: The demonstration version is a working model and is only limited in the length of the files it can save and in its ability to edit styles. Thus, the demo version will not be particularly useful as a research tool and we strongly encourage you to buy the full version at the introductory price of $49.50 The program can print out an order form for you, or you can send $49.50 + $7.50 s & h to: CGSoft 26 Medfield St. #4 Boston, MA 02215 PLEASE REPORT ANY BUGS DIRECTLY TO COMPUSERVE ADDRESS 76656,3107