ID:Q6 Trouble-shooting Stealth Quarterdeck Technical Note #205 by the Quarterdeck Compatibility Dept. TROUBLE-SHOOTING STEALTH This document discusses how to diagnose and cure problems occasioned by the use of the Stealth feature of QEMM-386, version 6. All users should review the file that comes with QEMM-386, version 6 for additional information. FIRST STEP The first step is to ascertain whether Stealth is involved with the problem. Remove the Stealth parameter (ST:M or ST:F) from the QEMM-386 line of the config.sys. Reboot the computer and try to duplicate the problem. If the problem still happens then Stealth is not causing the problem and you must address the problem by the means explained in the troubleshooting section of the QEMM-386 manual. SECTION 1 SECOND STEP If Stealth is involved in the problem restore the Stealth parameter (ST:M) and add XST=F000. Reboot the computer. If this works, go to the third step; if this does not work, go to Section Two. On this step the QEMM-386 line of the config.sys should look something like: device=c:\qemm\qemm386.sys ram st:m xst=f000 THIRD STEP If XST=F000 solves your problem replace it with X=F000-FFFF, reboot and try again. The QEMM-386 line of the config.sys should look something like: device=c:\qemm\qemm386.sys ram st:m x=f000-ffff If this works, add the parameter FSTC to the qemm line, thusly: device=c:\qemm\qemm386.sys ram st:m x=f000-ffff fstc and reboot. If this works continue; if this does not work (and FSTC may not work in all circumstances) then remove the FSTC parameter and reboot with the previous QEMM-386 line. See the section about FSTC below for an explanation of FSTC. In either case, enter Manifest and look at the QEMM- 386/Analysis screen. Look at the last line: It should look something like this: Fn00 IIII IIII IIII IIOO The portions of the address space with the O in them are being accessed directly. Some program or piece of hardware is trying to read the contents of the ROM here directly, not merely access them through interrupts. This portion of the address space must be allowed to be accessed directly. This is done by excluding QEMM-386 from mapping this area. In this case the target region is FE00- FFFF. The appropriate Exclude is X=FE00-FEFF. The correct QEMM- 386.SYS line of the config.sys is: device=c:\qemm\qemm386.sys ram st:m x=fe00-ffff This Exclude allows Stealth to do its job and costs you only 8K of high address space. FOURTH STEP If XST=F000 solves your problem while X=F000-FFFF does not then you should try using ST:F instead of ST:M. You may get more high ram with ST:F than with ST:M XST=F000. SECTION TWO This section is only for users with video ROM. Hercules-compatible monochrome and CGA systems do not have video ROM and thus this section does not apply. Some machines have their video ROM elsewhere, usually E000-E7FF. Such users should use E000 (or wherever their video ROM begins) instead of C000. FIFTH STEP If XST=F000 does not solve your problem then try XST=C000. The QEMM-386 line of the config.sys should look like: device=c:\qemm\qemm386.sys ram st:m xst=c000 If XST=C000 does not work, go to Section Three. If XST=C000 does work, go to the next step. SIXTH STEP If XST=C000 solves the problem then try placing the page frame at C000. Do this only if the entire C segment is available to put the page frame in. The QEMM-386 line of the config.sys should look like: device=c:\qemm\qemm386.sys ram st:m fr=c000 If this works then this may be acceptable solution. All the address space in which high ram can be created is being used in this configuration. If this step does not work or, if you cannot put the page frame at C000, go to the seventh step. SEVENTH STEP If XST=C000 solves the problem but you do not want to (or cannot) put the page frame at C000 then try the parameter FASTINT10:N, where "N" tells QEMM-386 to allow the video ROM's own code to be used. By default QEMM-386 replaces some of the video ROM's code with its own video code. This parameter tells QEMM to use the ROM's code. The QEMM-386 line of the config.sys should look like: device=c:\qemm\qemm386.sys ram st:m fastint10:n If this works then all ROMs are being Stealthed. You may choose to try the eighth step as an alternative though. If this does not work, go to the next step. There is a further discussion of FASTINT10 below. EIGHTH STEP If XST=C000 solves the problem but FR=C000 or FASTINT10:N does not (or you cannot put the page frame at C000 or do not want to use FASTINT10:N) then replace XST=C000 with X=C000-C7FF. The QEMM-386 line of the config.sys should look like: device=c:\qemm\qemm386.sys ram st:m x=c000-c7ff If this works, add the parameter FSTC to the QEMM-386 line, thusly: device=c:\qemm\qemm386.sys ram st:m x=c000-c7ff fstc and reboot. If this works continue; if this does not work (and FSTC may not work in all circumstances) then remove the FSTC parameter and reboot with the previous QEMM-386 line. See the section about FSTC below for an explanation. In either case, enter Manifest, go to the QEMM-386/Analysis screen, and look at the Cn00 line. It should look something like this: Cn00 OIII IIII OOOO OOOO This indicates that the first 4K region of the C segment, in the video ROM, is being accessed directly. This portion of the address space must be Excluded when QEMM-386 is Stealthing. The appropriate QEMM-386 line in the config.sys is: device=c:\qemm\qemm386.sys ram st:m x=c000-c0ff SECTION THREE NINTH STEP On some machines there are other ROMs that can be Stealthed; often these are disk ROMs. The same procedure: trying XST=??00, then replacing it with the appropriate Exclude of the old kind (X=??00-!!FF) to see if the problem is related to Stealthing or just not having some portion of the ROM's address space directly accessible, can be used. The trick of making the page frame begin at the beginning of the disk ROM may also work here as well. If XST=??00 solves your problem, try replacing it with FR=??00, presuming that there is a 64K portion of the address space free beginning at ??00 and that ?? is a multiple of 16. If some portion of the address space must be Excluded for Stealth to work you should check Analysis with the FSTC and X=??00-!!FF parameters on the QEMM line. TENTH STEP Use XST=F000, XST=C000, XST=??00, and simultaneously for all ROMs being Stealthed. Then replace the XSTs one by one with the appropriate regular Exclude (X=F000-FFFF, X=C000-C7FF, X=??00- !!FF...), look at the QEMM-386/Analysis screen of Manifest and discover what portions of the address space need to be directly available. ELEVENTH STEP If ST:M does not work try ST:F instead. If ST:F does not work you should try ST:F XST=C000 (and XST=??00) for other Stealthed ROMs other than the one(s) overlain by the page frame. TWELFTH STEP If none of these steps solve the problem please pin down exactly what program is failing (and at what point), and file a report with Quarterdeck. INTERESTING QUESTIONS WHAT IS FASTINT10:N? QEMM-386, when Stealthing a video ROM, replaces some of the video ROM's code with replacement code written by Quarterdeck. This replacement code is suitable for most video cards. The FASTINT10:N parameter tells QEMM-386 not to use its own replacement code but the literal code of the video ROM. This in no way limits the amount of high RAM Stealth creates and may be acceptable solution for those users who need it. It should only be necessary on unusual video cards. If placing the page frame at the beginning of the video card's ROM works or if a small regular Exclude also solves the problem you may choose to use this solution instead. WHAT IS FSTC? The purpose of the FSTC parameter is to make the Analysis procedure accurate. Some system and video ROMs may not function properly with the FSTC parameter. If this is the case on your system you will have to perform the Analysis procedure without the FSTC parameter. However, you should be aware in this case that some of the Exclude statements that Analysis prompts you to use may not be necessary. You can try reducing these Excludes on a trial-and-error basis if you wish. When QEMM-386 Stealths a ROM certain tables may have to be stored by QEMM-386 in its own data area. This uses a few kilobytes of high RAM. When a ROM is being Stealthed but the address in which the ROM resides is Excluded (as with X=C000-C7FF) then QEMM-386 cleverly figures out that it does not need to make copies of these tables in its own data area so it saves this memory by not making copies of the tables. This means that when you do Exclude the portion(s) of the ROM where these tables are stored the ROM will be accessed directly though it would not be if it were not Excluded. This will cause Analysis to report that a portion of the address space is OK when Excluded even though it would not be accessed directly were it not Excluded. FSTC (FORCESTEALTHTABLECOPY) forces QEMM-386 to make copies of these tables so that inappropriate Excludes are not recommended for the above reason. FSTC should only be used when you are testing a portion of a ROMs address space for direct access by Excluding the whole ROM. It is not an appropriate parameter for a final configuration. WHAT ARE ADVANCED DISK FEATURES? The BIOS has a set of function calls intended for use by multitasking programs. These are Int 15, functions 90 and 91. The system ROM or disk ROM may issue the Int 15, fn 90 call while it is waiting for the disk controller to read or write a sector, allowing other programs to execute during this wait. When the sector is ready, the disk interrupt handler issues an Int 15, Fn 91, signaling the multitasking program that the disk information is ready to be processed by the system or disk ROM. Some disk caches hook this call to allow your system to go ahead and execute your current program while the system or disk ROM is waiting for its requested sector. Whereas these caches preserve the stack and register state for the BIOS and the application when doing this pseudo-multitasking, they do not preserve the mapping of the page frame. Therefore, if the BIOS uses the page frame itself (as does Stealth), this could generate conflicts and system failures. Since no known disk cache does the proper page frame preservation, QEMM automatically suppresses INT 15, function 90 calls from the BIOS, effectively disabling advanced disk features. Caches that save and restore the page frame when using advanced disk features can use a programming interface to QEMM-386 to reenable advanced disk features. You may defeat QEMM-386's defeating of this feature with the VIRTUALHDIRQ:N (VHI:N) parameter on the QEMM-386 line of the config.sys. If your cache has these "Advanced Features" and does not save and restore the page frame you will crash or corrupt data on the cached drive(s). WHAT IF I LOAD A DRIVER THAT USES ROM BEFORE QEMM-386? If you want to load a device driver before QEMM-386 and it uses a ROM then QEMM-386 can still Stealth this ROM if you load the driver HOOKROM.SYS before this driver. Here is an example: device=c:\qemm\hookrom.sys device=c:\????????.sys device=c:\qemm\qemm386.sys ram st:m WHY DOES MY SYSTEM SETUP NO LONGER COME UP WITH ST:M? On machines with a built-in system setup program in the BIOS ROM that can be popped up at any time Stealth may make this feature inaccessible after you have booted. This is because the setup program accesses the ROM directly. In order for it to work after QEMM-386 has been loaded you must Exclude the portion of the address space where it is stored. On most machines this is in F000-F7FF or thereabouts. You may decide that it is better to use the system setup only on boot and be able to use this portion of the address space for high RAM when you are running. This is the way many systems are these days and you must reboot to implement the changes anyway so you may consider this a fair trade. Machines with a setup program that loads as a regular program may not present this problem. WHAT IS GOING ON? With ST:M Stealth is moving out of the address space all ROMs accessed by means of interrupts (you can see what interrupts are being handled by what ROMs in the First Meg/Interrupts screen of Manifest when you are not Stealthing.) When these interrupts are asserted, QEMM-386 puts the ROM code that services the interrupt into the page frame. With ST:F Stealth is allowing the page frame to share the address space used by the ROM, making the underlying ROM code available in the page frame when an interrupt pointing into the ROM is asserted. HOW CAN IT FAIL? The Stealth technology relies on the practice of using the code in ROMs only by means of interrupts. With the exceptions listed below when the code in a ROM is accessed directly the program or hardware using this code (or information) will find high RAM there instead with ST:M and will malfunction. Although this is not common it does happen. Sometimes programs look for identification information: For video cards this usually happens in the bottom 4K; for system BIOSes this usually happens in FE00-FEFF. Most users for whom Stealth fails can recover almost all the high RAM Stealth can create with small Excludes of this kind. Exceptions: 1) QEMM-386 does not map High RAM into the last 64 bytes of the system BIOS ROM because they are commonly accessed directly. Accesses here do not cause Stealth a problem. 2) When a ROM accesses itself directly then it should work IF the page frame begins at this ROM's beginning address. There are some video cards and disk controllers that fail because the video ROM (disk ROM) does not tolerate relocation. The ready cure for this symptom is to put the page frame at C000 (or whatever is the beginning of the appropriate video or disk ROM) so that when an interrupt that points into the video ROM (disk ROM) is asserted, and QEMM restores the contents of the video ROM (disk ROM) into the page frame, the ROM code can access itself where it expects to find itself; this is the purpose of step 6 of this method. 3) Direct accesses of one ROM to another work with ST:F. Disk caches that write directly to and read directly from the page frame cause Stealth to fail unless the DISKBUFFRAME=?? (DBF=??) is used. Stealth relies on there being interrupts pointing into a ROM in order to make it a target for Stealthing. If there is a ROM in the address space that QEMM-386 cannot detect as being used then it will not be Stealthed. This may happen for some disk ROMs and for devices that use the ROM only upon initialization. If there is a ROM without an interrupt pointing into it it is a suspect for being unused. You should use the Analysis feature of QEMM-386 to discover if this ROM is being used at all. If it is not then the address space it occupies may be reclaimed with an INCLUDE. SUMMARY The Stealth technology has been exhaustively tested but the wide variety of software and hardware in the PC world has surprises in it for every program. The actual Stealthing of interrupts is very successful. The most common failure is due to programs (or other ROMs) trying to access a portion of the ROM directly, rather than by means of interrupt. For this to work the target region of this access must be in the address space at the time of access. This can be achieved by an appropriate exclude of the old kind, usually at a cost of only 4K or 8K of the additional high RAM Stealth is creating; see steps 3 through 11 for a procedure to figure these Excludes out. If the video ROM or adaptor ROM is the target ROM of a problem then placing the page frame over the video ROM or adaptor ROM may work; see step 6. The "Advanced disk features" that some disk caches use are incompatible with Stealth. QEMM-386 disables these by default whenever possible if Stealth is used. Some disk caches write directly to the page frame. Such caches should be told to use extended memory or the DISKBUFFRAME=?? (DBF=??) should be used with QEMM-386; see step 2. If you have a problem intractable by any of these means Quarterdeck would like to hear about it. This technical note may be copied and distributed freely as long as it is distributed in its entirety and it is not distributed for profit. Copyright (C) 1991 by Quarterdeck Office Systems * * * E N D O F F I L E * * *