DOCID: Q404543 TITLE: 08/16/88 DOES THE PCLP 1.3 OFFER LIM SUPPORT OFFERED BY DOS 4.0 ? $SOURCE: ITEM 3KXSC FROM EQUAL SYSTEM HONSDPD 3 SOURCE MATERIAL DATED: AUG88 The announcement referenced LIM support for several of its features/modules, however how about the LAN program and the LAN support programs themselves. Can we take advantage of DOS 4.0's LIM and free some useable memory/ Obviously not all application programs will support the LIM standard now, I would expect that a new product announced in conjunction with a new operating system would support its available features to take advantage and complement each other. ---------- ---------- ---------- --------- ---------- ---------- A: The PC LAN Program does not support LIM. Extended memory may be only used for a disk cache (CAC parameter at the Server), or for a VDISK. ---------- ---------- ---------- --------- ---------- ---------- DOCID: Q403991 TITLE: 08/11/88 AFTER REVIEWING THE NEW DOS 4.00 AND PCLP 1.3 ANNOUNCE MENTS, IT APPEARS THAT PCLP DOESN'T USE EMS 4.0 $SOURCE: ITEM 5KXRN FROM EQUAL SYSTEM HONSDPD 3 SOURCE MATERIAL DATED: AUG88 Does IBM understand the requirement for applications to use the EMS 4.0 area in order to reduce the amount of storage use below the 640 line? We certainly understand that some must remain there, but it looks like no attempt was made at all to help reduce the size of PCLP below the line. ---------- ---------- ---------- --------- ---------- ---------- A: The only uses which the PC LAN Program and DOS can make of extended memory are for the CAChe at the Server and for a VDISK. While there are several PCLP parameters which can be used to reduce memory utilization, most reductions will also tend to decrease performance. If you need information on these, please reopen this item. The Redirector module, which is used to access the Server contains 20-24K of code, but may require up to 64K of memory - depending on the parameter options you choose. ---------- ---------- ---------- --------- ---------- ---------- DOCID: Q403986 TITLE: 08/11/88 IS AN UPGRADE TO DOS 4.0 ADVISABLE ON A TOKEN RING NETWORK USING PC LAN PROGRAM VERSION 1.20? $SOURCE: ITEM 4KXRW FROM EQUAL SYSTEM HONSDPD 3 SOURCE MATERIAL DATED: AUG88 Is an upgrade to DOS 4.0 advisable on a Token Ring Network running PC LAN Program Version 1.20, or are there memory constraints? If it can be used on a token-ring, then do all users also need to have DOS 4.0 on their PCs? ---------- ---------- ---------- --------- ---------- ---------- A: No, because LAN v1.2 will not start and will return an "Incorrect DOS version" message. LAN v1.3, however, does support both DOS 4.0 and DOS 3.3. ---------- ---------- ---------- --------- ---------- ---------- DOCID: Q402317 TITLE: 08/04/88 CURRENT 3270 WORKSTATION PROGRAM 1.0 AND 1.1X ARE NOT SUPPORTED WITH DOS 4.0. $SOURCE: ITEM 603MP FROM EQUAL SYSTEM HONCDPD 3 SOURCE MATERIAL DATED: AUG88 The 3270 Workstation Program is currently not supported running under DOS 4.0. 3270 Workstation Program version 1.12, a forthcoming maintenance release to 3270 Workstation Program version 1.1, will be the only version supported with DOS 4.0. Workstation Program version 1.12 will be available by October 1988. : Earlier 3270 Workstation Program versions may work with DOS 4.0, but any problems encountered would have to be duplicated with DOS 3.3 for support to be provided by ASKINFO, EQUAL, or defect support from IBM Central Service (NSD). ---------- ---------- ---------- --------- ---------- ---------- DOCID: Q401952 TITLE: 08/11/88 WILL DOS 4.0 ALLOW ECF TO SUPPORT VIRTUAL DISKS GREATER THAN 32MB ON AN MVS HOST? $SOURCE: ITEM VJBB0 FROM EQUAL SYSTEM HONIFLDI 3 SOURCE MATERIAL DATED: AUG88 Q: *-* The Complete Question is contained in the Item Abstract *-* ---------- ---------- ---------- --------- ---------- ---------- A: There is a problem with running ECF on DOS 4.0. You may want to call the 1-800 number for service and get your name on the interested party list for this problem. ---------- ---------- ---------- --------- ---------- ---------- DOCID: Q401014 TITLE: 07/19/88 SHOULD I ORDER THE NEW DOS 4.0 FOR USE WITH NETVIEW/PC? $SOURCE: ITEM 32963 FROM EQUAL SYSTEM WSCICNT 3 SOURCE MATERIAL DATED: JUL88 Q: I am ordering NetView/PC V1.1. Should I order the new DOS 4.0 for use with NetView/PC? ---------- ---------- ---------- --------- ---------- ---------- A: No, you should not order DOS 4.0 for use with NetView/PC V1.1. DOS 4.0 is larger than DOS 3.3 by 10K or more. NetView/PC does not have any memory to spare, so DOS 3.3 is still required for use with NetView/PC. DOS 3.3 is still being marketed by IBM. ---------- ---------- ---------- --------- ---------- ---------- DOCID: Q401007 TITLE: 07/19/88 WHAT ARE THE NEW MAJOR CHANGES AND ENHANCEMENTS TO DOS 4.0? $SOURCE: ITEM 224MD FROM EQUAL SYSTEM HONCDPD 3 SOURCE MATERIAL DATED: JUL88 DOS 4.0 Questions and Answers General ------- 1. How does DOS 4.00 differ from 3.30? * Over 30 new and enhanced commands and utilities provide DOS 4.00 with significant improvements over DOS 3.30 while remaining upwardly compatible. It supports the same PC-PS/2 hardware systems except for PCjr. DOS 4.00 is the first release of DOS which carries a program warranty with associated defect service for one year from today's announcement. Other Highlights of the DOS 4.00 enhancements over 3.30 include: - Support of large hardfiles greater than 32 megabytes in a non-partitioned manner that allows a single file to be as large as the media provided. 3.30 requires partitioning of large disks into logical drives of 32 megabytes or less. - A new DOS Shell provides group, file, and directory services that are user-friendly alternatives to the command line. 3.30 does not provide this menu-driven file organizer and application selector which introduces the user to an OS/2 like presentation manager. - DOS 4.00 supports exploitation of memory, supplied by IBM Expanded Memory Cards, Options, or emulation (See today's announcement for details), above 640KB by applications written to the Lotus/Intel/Microsoft 4.0 Expanded Memory Specification (EMS). 3.30 requires the function of the IBM Workstation Program to support the IBM Expanded Memory Cards. - The DOS installation procedure (SELECT) has been enhanced with full screen interactive menus to aid the user in configuring the richer function set provided by DOS 4.00 versus 3.30. - Video/graphics support has been enhanced to provide printing of graphics screens, additional video mode settings, and display of more than 25 lines of text not provided by DOS 3.30. - For world wide users, DOS 4.00 has been translated into 11 languages, and three English versions (U.S., U.K., and Universal) are available. DOS 4.00 has been enabled to allow separately available translation supplements for Asia Pacific languages, and provides right-to-left support to separately available Arabic and Hebrew supplements that allow generation of files in these languages. New keyboards for U.K., France, and Italy are now supported. 2. Is there a list of OEM application programs that have been tested for compatibility with DOS4.0? * No list of compatible OEM programs has been compiled. You must check directly with the manufacturer. 3. What are the implications of programs performing DOS version checks? * Some applications require or check the version of DOS that it is running under and some require a specific verion of DOS to run. Some applications are checking for versions of DOS > DOS3.3 but < DOS4.0 and since there are no versions of DOS at this level, the applications may not work correctly. 4. Is DOS 4.00 offered on both 3.5 inch and 5.25 inch media? * Yes, but in separate packages. DOS 4.00 3.5" version contains two (2) diskettes to support PS/2 purchases. DOS 4.00 5.25" version contains five (5) diskettes for prior owners of DOS 1.0 through DOS 3.30 or for new purchasers of 5.25" systems. Memory Requirements ------------------- 5. How much memory does DOS 4.00 require? * DOS 4.00 base requires approximately 62KB of memory on a PC AT, and this will vary based on other configurations. Using the DOS Shell Extension requires a minimum of 256KB of memory. 6. Do application programs still have 640KB under DOS4.0? * Programs that are written to take advantage of LIM 4.0, or expanded memory, will have greater than 640KB available. Otherwise, application programs still have the full 640KB available. 7. Has the resident part of DOS 4.0 increased? * DOS 4.0 resident storage size has increased due to performance enhancements. Programs which were executable while using DOS 3.3 may not fit into DOS 4.0 640KB program environment. The additional resident growth is due to the following performance improvements: - Greater than 32MB hardfile support. - 10,000 buffers can be specified in the Config.Sys file. - Fastopen keeps track of the last file opened and searches the directory table for a file before searching the hard disk. - Look-Ahead-Buffers allow multiple sector processing when sequential data is read or written to a disk. - System buffers may be placed in Extended Memory. - Share.Exe automatically installed on systems with hard disks greater than 32MB in size. In comparing the resident size of DOS 3.3 to that of DOS 4.0, the following chart will some system configuration examples: SYSTEM RESIDENT SIZE CONFIGURATION DOS 3.3 DOS 4.0 ----------------------------------------------------- PCAT, Color monitor 52224 bytes 61456bytes 1 1.2 MB diskette 20 MB hardfile 512 KB memory PS/2 model 30 54704 bytes 64112bytes Color display 1 720 KB diskette 20 MB hardfile 640 KB memory Large Disk Support ------------------ 8. What is the method for allocating partitions greater than 32MB in DOS 4.0? * In DOS 4.0, the 16-bit FAT is still used, but there is an increase in allocation size of sectors per cluster. Using files from DOS 3.3 on DOS 4.0 is possible, however files created on large disks with DOS 4.0 cannot be used on DOS 3.3. 9. What happens when using the DOS 3.3 unformatted partitions or logical drives with DOS 4.0? * A change was made to DOS 4.0 to protect the user from performing I/O to an unformatted partition or logical drive. If the user is running DOS 4.0 and tries to access the partition, a critical error with the "Abort, Retry, or Fail" message will be received. The problem arises when a user has been performing I/O to an unformatted partition under DOS 3.3 and then upgrades his system to DOS 4.0. The user will either think that DOS 4.0 has an error because he/she was able to use the hardfile under 3.3, or that the hardfile has "gone bad". Also, when looking at an unformatted logical drive under DOS 4.0 FDISK, the system type for the unformatted logical drive will be be listed as "UNKNOWN". To resolve this problem, the user should BACKUP the unformatted drive while running DOS 3.3. Next they should format the drive using DOS 3.3 and then RESTORE the partition from the previously created BACKUP. Now, when DOS 4.0 is installed on the same system, the user will be able to access all the information on that drive without receiving a critical error. DOS Shell --------- 10. What is the DOS Shell? * The DOS Shell provides an alternative to the command line prompt A> user interface. It provides the DOS command services via interactive displays and windows within the displays to support day to day tasks. It allows start-up of applications, access and processing of files, and hardcopy output of processed data. Help information is provided relevant to the task at hand. These actions are accomplished by straight forward selections from easy to use menus using either a mouse or the keyboard. The Shell will run in either text or graphics mode and is similar to the OS/2 Presentation Manager. Installation of the DOS Shell is optional. 11. Is the DOS Shell based on Microsoft Windows 2.03? * No. It is based on several years of research into user-friendly command processing to provide a Common User Access (CUA) method of organizing files and display of information for optional selection. The IBM Fixed Disk Organizer program provided a base for this enhancement. 12. What screen modes are supported by the DOS 4.0 Shell? * The screen modes supported by the SHell are: 3, 7, 10, 11, 12 EMS Support ----------- 13. What is EMS? * DOS 4.00 now provides operating system support for those developers who write applications that require additional memory above the DOS 640KB limitation in order to run or provide higher performance. The applications must be written to the programming interfaces required by the public domain Lotus/Intel/Microsoft Expanded Memory Specification 4.0, which is known as LIM 4.0 EMS. Memory above 640KB is then addressed through a combination of a DOS 4.00 EMS device driver and IBM memory cards that contain the additional memory. See today's announcement for details on EMS memory options. 80386 processors (PS/2 Models 70 & 80) emulate these memory cards using their virtual paging capabilities. In addition to supporting these EMS dependent applications, DOS 4.00 can utilize these cards/emulation to provide memory relief and associated performance improvement for specific DOS functions. ---------- ---------- ---------- --------- ---------- ---------- DOCID: Q296786 TITLE: 08/16/88 TCSEE 88G, DOS 4.0 TECHNICAL UPDATE, 9/1 1 EDT TCSEE 88F, IBM PC 3270 WORKSTATION PROGRAM, 8/24 1 EDT $SOURCE: ITEM 787MG FROM EQUAL SYSTEM HONCDPD 3 SOURCE MATERIAL DATED: AUG88 The Technical Coordinator Program has scheduled to TCSEE events: 1. IBM PC 3270 Workstation Program Update, 8/24 2. DOS 4.0 Technical Update, 9/1 ************************************************************************ ***************TCSEE 88F, August 24, 1988 - 1 PM EDT******************** **********IBM PC 3270 Workstation Program Technical Update************** This broadcast will focus on the IBM PC 3270 Workstation Program. The topic includes a product overview followed by a more detailed discussion of various technical topics, including: o IBM PC 3270 Workstation Program customization: Customization of host communication sessions (both coax and Token-Ring), and PC sessions. o Use of the IBM Expanded Memory Adapter (XMA) with the IBM PC 3270 Workstation Program for WSP memory, PC sessions, and Expanded Memory Specification (EMS) usage. o Use of the 3270 Workstation Program with the IBM PC Local Area Network Program. o Use of the Advanced Display Option for display of 3270 Model 3, 4, and 5 screen sizes. To best understand this material, participants should have a working knowledge of IBM 3270 network communications and workstations environment, to include IBM PC-PS/2 products, PC DOS, and a basic familiarity with the IBM PC 3270 Workstation Program. Participants should be familiar with 3270 communications and workstations environment, IBM PC-PS/2 environment and PC DOS. ************************************************************************* **************** TCSEE 88G, September 1, 1988, 1 PM EDT ***************** ********************* DOS 4.0 Technical Update ************************** The IBM Disk Operating System (DOS) Version 4.00 is the latest release of the single tasking operating system for the IBM Personal System/2 and IBM Personal Computer families. TCSEE 88G will review the many enhancements provided by this release in technical detail, including additional support for IBM hardware, expanded memory support, and several new and enhanced DOS commands. There will be particular focus on installation procedures and the new user shell. PC DOS 4.0 provides the user with a new full-screen user interface installation program and user shell. The installation program guides the user through the setup of his system, including the AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files. :p.The user shell is a menu driven user interface which conforms to many of the Systems Application Architecture (SAA) and Common User Access (CUA) specifications. The DOS shell may be tailored to individual's needs, and provides access to a command prompt and an easy to use file system. The user shell may be run in graphics or in text mode and may be run with the keyboard, a mouse, or both. This material has been developed and will be presented by IBM development and technical support personnel. The seminar is intended to update existing installation skills. ---------- ---------- ---------- --------- ---------- ----------