C NEWS Issue 1 Volume 1 12-28-1987 _________________________________________________________________________ EDITORIAL: This is the first issue of " C NEWS ", which is a newsletter written by the users of the C BBS in Reston, VA. This newsletter is an attempt to present - in a formalized manner - the latest bug reports, and tips on how to better use the C compilers that are currently in the marketplace. This is a users newsletter, and any user is welcome to submit articles for submission. Also, any bug-reports are most definitely welcome and should be sent to the C BBS at the address's and number listed below: C BBS (703)-478-2146 24hrs a day, 2400-1200, 8-N-1. NET Mail Address: 1:109/713 Postal Address: C BBS C/o BCL Limited P.O Box 9162 McLean, VA 22102 USA. If you have a program that you would like to share with others then send that along with a short note explaining the purpose of the code. Code submitted for this reason should be well-commented and include a copyright notice from the author. There should also be a short note, allowing the C BBS the right to publish it electronically. This newsletter is not for sale, so there is no question concerning royalties. If this newsletter ever becomes a pay letter, then over arrangements will be made. Back to the purpose of this newsletter. After reviewing all of the mail going back on forth on the National C_Echo on Fidonet. I noticed that alot of the messages had to do due with bug reports, and with requests for information on the best compiler, editor, and what books to read. This newsletter is an attempt to fill those requests. I personally use four different C compilers, and have close to 25 books on C programming. So I am putting together a compilation of my thoughts on each of those compilers and the books. The opinions expressed are entirely my own, and all of my experience is based in the MS-DOS world. I am not a C programming wizard, and hope that other users who are will step forward and contribute. So don't be too harsh on my writing, and write or send netmail if you have some suggestions on how it can be improved. Regards, Barry C. Lynch Sysop - C BBS C NEWS Table of Contents 12/28/87 Section Subject Page No. I Compilers - QuickC Version 1.0 II Book Reviews III Closing Commentary in CNEWS Volume 1. C NEWS Section I - Compilers 12/28/87 Product: QuickC Version 1.0 Manufacture: Microsoft Corporation Major problems: The current version of QuickC has a known incompatibility with a certain ROM chip on Western Digital Hardisk Controllers. The Rom Number is: 62-000043-010. The upgrade to ROM 62-000094-xxx which solves this problem is $25 from Western Digital Technical support. Minor problems: None that I can substantiate at this time. Thoughts: The biggest problem that a new user will face in deciding what compiler to use; is what am I going to use it for? Basically, the current compiler breaks down into two types of users: Small-medium size software developers and hackers. And large software-design houses that market professional, commercial packages. QuickC is geared towards the former, it's integrated environment is extremely helpful for new users to C and compiled languages in general. I personally found the juggling of C syntax, editor commands, compiler commands and options, linker commands and options and < If you have one > , symbolic debugger commands/options a little tough to carry at first. I originally started my C programming with Microsoft C V 4., and have since moved to QuickC. I am a "budding" professional software developer, but at this time I need to be spending my time learning the language and not all of the options and the myriad of permeations of each. One big benefit of QuickC is the ability to port your code to it's bigger brother - Microsoft C version 5. MS C V 5.0 comes with QuickC by the way, and therefore, provides the nice integrated environment with the upward compatibility. I am using QuickC to write the beginnings of my code and after I am satisfied with the results I will compile with MSC v 5.0. This is the an excellent arrangement if you can afford it. MSC V 5 is not cheap, around $260 mail order with the Programmers Connection being as good a source as any. QuickC also has the ability to work with Codeview(tm), the excellent symbolic debugger from Microsoft that was originally packaged with MSC V 4.0. If you are a beginner at C you will love this feature. Codeview has saved me numerous hours in chasing down logical errors, as well as highlighting some very sloppy coding at times. QuickC itself has about 3/4ths of the capability of Codeview built in. For most development work this will be adequate. If you need to use all of Codeview, then you can compile a version of your program with QuickC from the command line that will work with the version of Codeview supplied with MSC 4 and 5. C NEWS Section I - Compilers 12/28/87 The libraries that come with QuickC are identical to the ones that are shipped with MSC version 5.0 These libraries feature new graphics support and new Terminate and Stay resident (TSR's) routines. Once again the link between QC and MSC V 5 is very handy and useful. I'll close by saying that the Hardisk problem that plaques QuickC right now is unfortunate - because it really places a cloud over a rather well put together package for it's intended audience. However, according to the tech support people at Western Digital the ROM chip in question is only on older hardisk controller's and that a replacement is available. QuickC is a good buy for beginners who think that they might want to move up to MSC V 5 someday, or those beginners that need a symbolic debugger. C NEWS Section II - Book Reviews 12/28/87 Introduction: This section is meant to highlight some of the books that are available currently in regards to C programming. Due to my experience most of the books will deal with the MS-DOS environment. I apologize for the lack of knowledge and ask that others more versed in UNIX/ZENIX at al. speak up and send in some reviews. _________________________________________________________________________ Title: C Primer + Author/s: Mitchell Waite and others. Publisher: Howard Sams & Company 1-800-428-SAMS ISBN #: 0-672-22582-4 This is one of the best, if not the best, books on C programming that a beginning C programmer can own. I know I speak from personal experience. The "C Primer Plus" is advertised as a "User-friendly" guide to the C programming language - that it is. The authors style is free-moving yet covers the material in a manner that can be followed. Numerous program examples are given, and you are encouraged to type them in and compile. Topics covered include: Data, C & you, Char Strings, Operators, I/O functions, If then else, loops, storage classes, The C preprocessor, Arrays & pointers, structures, and libraries. This is an excellent text for beginners. __________________________________________________________________________ Title: The C Programming Language Author/s: Brian Kernighan & Dennis Ritchie. Publisher: Prentice hall Software Series Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 07632. ISBN #:0-13-110163-3 This is affectionately referred to as the "White Bible", and it is. This is the original language reference written by the two authors of C itself. It is not a book that a pure beginner should try to learn C from. However, it is a book that every C programmer should own in his/her reference library. There are numerous code examples throughout the book, and they can be found in text files on numerous BBS's around the country. All of the standard topics are covered, and as stated it makes a welcome addition to your reference library. _________________________________________________________________________ C NEWS Section II - Book Reviews 12/28/87 _____________________________________________________________________ Title: C Database Development Author/s: Al Stevens Publisher: MIS Press 1107 N.W. 14th Avenue Portland, OR 97209 (503)222-2399 ISBN #:0-943518-33-4 A few months ago I was looking for a book on "C Database Design", and lo and behold, I not only found a book on that subject, but it was titled that as well. C Database Design is a book by Al Stevens on how to design your own database, using low-level C functions. There are plenty of code examples throughout the book. And a complete application is included: A Consultant's Billing System. Mr. Stevens attempts to pass on the secrets of database design using his own version of a database query language, called: CDL - Cheap Database langauge. My main problem with his book is the use of CDL, I would have preferred more discussion of generic low level data-base routines that could have been called from with any C program. As it is, this database is operated using batch files of all things. This book is a good buy, but I am sure that a better one exists. The search continues.... _________________________________________________________________________ Title: Microsoft C programming for the IBM. Author/s: Robert Lafore Publisher: Howard Sams & Company 1-800-428-SAMS ISBN #:0-672-22515-8 Before I discovered the C Primer Plus I lived in this book. Don't let the title fool you, this book can be used with any C compiler not just microsoft. Admittedly, this makes thing a little hard to follow at times, but Mr. Lafore does a good job of keeping the discussion on C and not MS. The subject matter covered includes: The usual, plus in some detail, Keyboard & cursor, CGA & EGA graphics and serial ports and telecommunications. The latter subject is featured in a small but workable communications routine, that doesn't threaten Qmodem or Procomm yet it works. His style is exceptional and the information contained within the book moves along at a nice pace, that will not overburden the new user. I feel that the title does more harm to the book than the content, but overall it is worth the investment. C NEWS Section II - Book Reviews 12/28/87 _____________________________________________________________________ Title: C Programmers Library Author/s: Jack Purdum and others. Publisher: QUE Corporation 7999 Knue Road, Suite 202 Indianapolis, IN 46250 (503)222-2399 ISBN #:0-88022-048-1 This was one of the first C related books that I bought back in 1985. Unfortunately, I didn't particularly care for it then or now. This book is reminiscent of some of the old school textbooks that I waded through in college. Dry, terse, and somewhat hard to follow. The material presented in the book is excellent, topics include: C Data types, Sorting, General terminal library, ISAM, and a complete ISAM application - Book Cataloging program. There are numerous code examples included throughout the book. And they can be purchased from the publisher on diskette for $ 124.95. Ouch!! for that price I'll type them in. The material is excellent, but the way in which is presented and the outrageous price for source listings on diskette, make this a negative buy unless you have $ 19.95 to toss away. Also, Que corporation is know for it's excellent books on "How to" most of the major software applications on the market today. How to C was not a hit.. _________________________________________________________________________ Title: Reliable Data Structures in C. Author/s: Thomas Plum Publisher: Plum Hall Inc. 1 Spruce Avenue Cardiff, NJ 08232 ISBN #:0-911537-04-X As with the K&R book, this one should be in every C programmers reference library. The style is much the same and the content is excellent. It is a good book for intermediate to advanced programmers, and an addition to the C primer plus or Microsoft C programming for beginners. Mr. Plum does an excellent job of outlining the different types of data structures, with clear consise text, and lot's of working examples. Some of topics covered are: scalars, arrays, pointers, structures, dynamic data structures, and files. Excellent reference book. C NEWS Section II - Book Reviews 12/28/87 _____________________________________________________________________ Title: C Programming Guide Author/s: Jack Purdum. Publisher: QUE Corporation 7999 Knue Road, Suite 202 Indianapolis, IN 46250 (503)222-2399 ISBN #:0-88022-157-7 A bought this book at the same time that I bought the other by Que corporation reviewed earlier. Compared to C Primer Plus and Microsoft C programming on the IBM, this book is out of it's league. With the flood of new programmers to C and the host of new compilers, this book is hopelessly out of touch. It does not have an easy going style, and I find the quality of presentation of the material to be poor. The above mentioned books are roughly the same prices and do a better job of teaching the same subject. ________________________________________________________________________ Title: Learning To Program in C. Author/s: Thomas Plum Publisher: Plum Hall Inc 1 Spruce Avenue Cardiff, NJ 08232 ISBN #:0-911537-00-7 This book is written in the same style as his previous book on data structures; terse, and to the point. For some it would be all they need, others might like the friendly atmospshere of C Primer Plus. As with his book on Data Structures, the material contained is excellent and well laid out. Mr. Plum has written the two books, to go hand in hand as a set. This is an excellent text, and worth the price if you prefer more of a book to the point. _________________________________________________________________________ That concludes book reviews for this issue. Some of you will notice that I have neglected to comment on some of the more popular titles that are currently available. This due to my not having copies of those books to review at tis time. If you would like to submit a short synopsis of your favorite or not-favorite C book to this newsletter. Then send a file to my BBS via the Net, or call the BBS direct and upload a file or leave a message in the newsletter area. Some titles that should be reviewed include: - Variations in C - Advanced C Primer + - Profiecient C - QuickC programming - TurboC programming for the IBM C NEWS Section III - Closing Commentary 12/28/87 _____________________________________________________________________ This is my first attempt at producing a newsletter, I say that so maybe some of you will not be so quick to torch me. My plans are to produce this letter bi-weekly with the following topics covered: - Compiler Bug reports - Book reviews - Magazine Reviews - C programming tutoral. - Commentary from users. If you would like to see other sections added then send me a note and I will include it. Happy C'ing.....