AAAPCP+/PC-Pursuit Newsletter ============================= Written By Paul Johnson (Author AAAPCP+, and almost CAP) 01-29-89 The price increase is affecting almost every facet of hobbyist telecommunications. EchoMail, RelayMail, FidoNet, PC-Pursuit users, hobbyists, availability of files, transportation of files, messages, electronic mail, Exec-PC, Portal, People Link, and the base of the shareware concept will all be affected. People who never even knew PC-Pursuit existed, will be cursing Telenet as the flow of files and messages slow to their local bulletin boards. PC-Pursuiters under the PC-Pursuit environment created by Telenet thrived and created many free services. Now Telenet drastically raises the price. I was writing a terminal program, Computer Aided Pursuit (CAP), to replace PCPLUS/AAAPCP+/ICEX combination that would have completely automated the use of PC-Pursuit, when I heard about the price increase. I called a connection at Telenet, confirmed that nothing could be done to change their minds, then severed that connection. Later the same day I began negotiations with Tymnet to start a service like PC-Pursuit called US-Access. With the information we give Tymnet, they may set up a service that will make us happier. If you wish to help, please fill out and mail the Tymnet questionnaire included in this archive as PCPTYMNT.TXT. Get as many people as you can to do the same. With our help we may get our wish and tell Telenet what they can do with their new version of PC-Pursuit. Many of my local users have asked what alternatives are available to PC-Pursuit. If Tymnet sets up a service, it will be the best alternative, and the competition may drop Telenet's price. Buying a USRobotics Courier HST from a mail order house for about $630.00 and using it to connect to selected HST 9600/19200 baud systems via AT&T Reach Out America Plan in the early morning hours can be highly cost effective. The HST provides 1100 to 1740 cps transfer rates over AT&T lines. If you compare these to the cps rates you have encountered over PC-Pursuit, I think you will come to the same conclusion I did, and buy an HST. I have begun collecting HST board lists over PC-Pursuit in preparation for D-Day. I would suggest that you do the same. PC-Pursuit support software such as APCP, AAAPCP+, ICEX, and a whole slew of other shareware products that make our use of PC-Pursuit easier will be outdated when Telenet consolidates the /3, /12 and /24 ports into one. Very few, if any, authors will want to spend $4.50 and $7.50 an hour to test and debug software for our use, leaving nothing for us to use. AAAPCP+ might have releases after the consolidation of the ports. I am not sure if anyone will be around to use it. I know I will not have an account on PC-Pursuit to test it. Nevertheless, I wish those of you who stay on after May the best of luck in your pursuits and hope to see you on Tymnet some day if all goes well. Long Live The Hobbyist, Paul Johnson