Welcome to JLBlink JLBlink is designed to help you get the most out of the time you spend with BIX. It does this by automating a large portion of your BIX sessions with blink scripts. The blink scripts necessary to log on and off BIX via Tymnet or direct, and to download messages and mail come with JLBlink. It generates all the blink scripts necessary to upload messages and mail. In addition, with one single command execution, JLBlink will log on BIX, download all your new messages and memos, upload all new messages and memos that you have composed, and then log off BIX, with no required interaction from you. JLBlink also builds your own BIX Data Base from the messages and memos you receive from BIX. It automatically builds and updates an index of new messages and mail, which gives you the ability to read the messages, at your convenience, in the order you want. The Communication Link JLBlink comes equipped with an intelligent Communication Link to help you send and receive files (messages and memos) to and from BIX. The Communication Link is designed specifically to interface with BIX in an efficient and easy manner. The Communication Link provides all the tools necessary to interface with BIX either fully automatic, semi-automatic, or manually. The process the Communication Link uses to interface with BIX is known as "Blinking". The process of blinking is used to get on- and off-line as quickly as possible. Blinking is an efficient method to interface with BIX because it not only reduces the amount of time that you stay on-line, it also reduces the total amount of characters that are transmitted and received during a typical session. The Editor JLBlink integrates a versatile screen oriented Editor into its Post commands to help you compose and edit the messages and memos that you wish to send to BIX. You can import text into the Editor, and also use it while on-line with BIX. You can even have each message "signed" automatically.