Blink Scripts A Blink Script is nothing more than an ASCII file that contains BIX commands and possibly your messages and memos. Blink Scripts are generated by JLBlink and are automatically processed by the Communication Link. The two types of Blink Scripts created by JLBlink are UpBlink and DownBlink. A description of each script type follows. UpBlink Scripts An UpBlink Script file is a one directional Script; that is, the complete contents of the Script goes to BIX with no other action necessary from you or from BIX. A typical UpBlink Script is the ToConf.Upb file. The following is an example of an UpBlink Script file that could be used to clean your BIX Mail Basket: Mail Delete 10156 Y Delete 10167 Y Delete 11101 Quit DownBlink Scripts A DownBlink Script file works in two directions. The Script issues commands to BIX which cause BIX to File an item, such as a message, into your BIX Scratchpad. The Script is first transmitted to BIX and then the contents of your BIX Scratchpad is captured to a file. A typical DownBlink Script is the GetMess.Dnb file. The following is an example of a DownBlink Script file that could be used to gather your current bix information: File Charges Details File Show File Show Resume