Where To Get Support For JLBlink If you have questions or need assistance with JLBlink, please post a message in the "jlblink" or "j.and.l" conferences. Both of these conferences are monitored daily and all questions will be addressed immediately. If you would like to learn more about the "blinking" process in general, the j.and.l conference has a topic devoted to blinking. If you experience a problem with JLBlink, please include as much information as possible in your message. If the problem occurs while on-line, or trying to get on-line with BIX, it is essential that you include the portion of the Session.Txt file where the problem occurred. NOTE: The Session.Txt file is overwritten each time you log on BIX. If you experience a problem while on-line, you should prepare a message immediately after logging off before the information needed from the Session.Txt file is overwritten. To include the Session.Txt in your message, execute the File Display File command and select Session.Txt which displays the Session.Txt file on the screen. Next execute the File Edit File command and select Scratch.Pad which will invoke the JLBlink Editor. Go into Scroll Mode and locate the portion where the problem occurred and then invoke Cut and Paste by pressing ..Mark the beginning of the block with and the end with . Use this process again to includes all blocks related to the problem and then press to return to the Editor. Please be sure to delete your password if it is on the page, and then press to save it. You should now display a message on the screen from the conference you want to post your message in and then execute the Post Say command. The Session.Txt will already be in the Editor when it opens. Press when you are ready to save the message and merge it into the proper UpBlink Script.