Jan. 8th called Bill Sparks, Sprout grower in St. Louis, he had me call his promotion Mgr. Sam Kevins, Sam has been involved in the food business for many years, has promoted various items in L.A. His expertise is in packaging and product promotion. He feels that this industry is vary lacking in this area and he has turned their Co. around and do things no other has. 1) Point of Sale advertising 2) Folders for Stores to send out, prices and how to use info. Notes: Growing, they use Sunsprout inclosures (48-tray or 800 lbs.per week, they have 10 of these. * They package in 4oz (4"x4") clear container and shrink wrap. * They put a 4"x4" pad of foam in the bottom of the container and leave it moist, it continues to grow and looks good he says. * They grow in the Sunsprout Trays and have girls pull hands full and put into container with moisened foam bottom. To grow in the small container has not worked out. * He says we must have a Tunnel Shrink wrap machine with an L-Sealer.? * He was conserned that our market is too competitive and our prices would be too low. They get $4.50 for 12 4oz crt of clover alphalfa, radish etc (greens). * They plan to raise to $4.90 per case (12). * List prices in their stores range fr. .59 to .79 per unit. * They start a store with on-site demonstrations. * Folders, Flyers, recipes are given out. * Yield on sprouts is aprox. 81/2 to one. * Lable design to Sam was of utmost importance. along with quality of the Sprouts.