HELP ---- 1. Search on You have to supply one of more keywords  keywords on wich REDA can perform a search (fast!) 2. Scan on catch- You have to supply one of more catchwords  words on wich REDA will scan through the textfiles. This may take some time. 3. Summary Shows a list of available textfiles. 4. Show file. If you know the textfile-name you don't have to go trough the searchroutine first. You may select this file directly. 5. Last showed If you want to read the last showed file again you  file don't have to search for it again. Just select this option. 6. Help You are reading it right now. 7. Logoff Back to the main BBS program. 8. ASCII/ANSI mode You may switch between the ANSI and ASCII mode. 9. Screenlength You may change the screenlength using this option. The minimun length is 10 rows and is at maximum 99 rows.