Disk No: 622 Disk Title: RBBS-PC 4 of 5 (212,334,621,2092) PC-SIG Version: S8.3 Program Title: RBBS-PC Author Version: 17.3 Author Registration: $35.00. Special Requirements: A hard drive and modem. The RBBS is the bulletin board system of choice for many IBM PC bulletin boards. It is a large system on four disks and supports the PC-SIG LIBRARY ON CD ROM. RBBS-PC's internal structure continued to become significantly more modularized and structured. Major enhancements included a File Management System for directories, additional file exchange protocols, support for managing subscriptions, the ability to run as a local application on a network, configurable command letters, the ability to use any field or to define a new field to identify callers, the ability to individuate callers having the same ID, multiple uploads on a single command line, new A)nswer and V)erbose ARC list commands, and context sensitive help. Source code is included. PC-SIG 1030D East Duane Avenue Sunnyvale Ca. 94086 (408) 730-9291 (c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.