============================== System Help ================================= The following commands may be performed after any prompt which displays an exclamation mark : Display this Help screen. Change your user information. Display current date and time. Examine user, i.e. E SYSOP will display sysop's vital statistics. Goto menu, i.e. G 6 will take you immediately to menu #6. Index, display the system index of menus. Logoff the system.

Previous menu, takes you the the previous menu you were in. Note: Press a only does the same thing. Top menu, takes you immediately to the top menu (Menu 0). Users, Display users who have used the system. Version, displays the program version number. Who, displays who is currently on the system. To send a message directly to another on-line user, enter: x message-text where x is the comm port number of the user you wish to send the message to. The comm port number is displayed in the W command.