Program name: FREECALC v2 Author name: Stilwell Software Products Address: 16403 North 43rd Drive Glendale, AZ 85306 Telephone Number: None given Suggested Donation: $10 for a simple registration, or $47.50 for a registration which includes a printed manual, support, and an auxiliary program, FreeCalc Auditor, that examines spreadsheets for possible errors and produces a list of formulas used. Program Description: FreeCalc is a spreadsheet program with numerous features. It has been expanded from Version 1.0 and is a mature product. While it lacks some of the features and power of a product like Lotus 1-2-3, it also lacks Lotus' high price. It is a nice spreadsheet program that is more than adequate for most applications. It uses all of available memory (up to 640K), allows installation of color if you have a color monitor, and is command bar driven. The disk manual is very complete, and is 106 pages long. It's apparent that a lot of thought has gone into developing FreeCalc, and it's paid off! This one is a winner. System requirements are an IBM PC/XT/AT/Portable with a minimum of 256K bytes of RAM, DOS 2.0 or greater, a monochrome or color adapater and monitor, 1 disk drive, and a printer.